
Oh, the Horror, the Goldenrod Horror!

Jessica · 02/10/06 09:22AM

Tragedy du jour: The Post's newly jaundiced homepage, which stems from a vicious advertising deal with GM's campaign for corn-powered cars. Surely such expensive, prominent placement came at the cost of some soon-to-be-laid-off employee's entire salary — but reaching an audience where maybe 25% of readers own a car? Invaluable marketing, that.

'Daily News' Goes to the Mattresses in City Circ War

Jesse · 02/09/06 03:40PM

So you know how there's a perpetual circulation battle going on between the Daily News and the Post? And you know how there's all sorts of circ scandals going on at papers across the country, the most notably local example being at Newsday? And you know how the Post keeps gaining on the News's circ margin, but we're supposed to think that because the Posties are incendiary and irresponsible and the Newsies are the good guys, if somewhat plodding?

Bridget Harrison Jumps Into Chick-Lit Paddling Pool

Jessica · 02/09/06 01:22PM

You cannot begin to imagine the elation we felt when, upon shuffling through our daily stack of hatemail, we came across an unmarked package smelling of lilacs. And oh, delight of delights, look what it contained — the memoir of Post columnist Bridget Harrison, Tabloid Love: Looking for Mr. Right in All the Wrong Places. (If your memory can still recall this past summer, UK import Harrison had been writing her own Sex and the City-ish column.)

Not to Freak You Out or Anything

Jessica · 01/27/06 09:07AM

The only thing we appreciate more than our local tabloids' calm approach to interntional news is their linguistic talent. "Hamastan" will now proudly join our vocabulary as the location where lots of "Koyenization" occurs.

Liz Smith: Loves Pets, Indifferent to People

Jesse · 01/26/06 12:30PM

We know we often don't react to news — especially news of human tragedies — the way we're supposed to. And so we reading Liz Smith today, we got worried:

When Front Pages Go Terribly, Terribly Wrong

Jessica · 01/17/06 09:30AM

When we saw the front page of today's Post, we were a teensy bit horrified by the juxtaposition of Golden Globe non-winner Eva Longoria (ensemble wins are for individual losers) with a headline regarding poor little Nixzmary Brown, the 7-year-old girl who was tortured and beaten to death by her own parents. Watching the Globes wasn't that bad — that Steve Carell is such a doll. How can someone even place these two items on the same front page?

Media Bubble: No One is OK

Jesse · 01/10/06 03:52PM

• The Post and the News, after years of fighting a circ war, will now be fighting a real ad-sales war, too. Fun! [Ad Age]
OK! isn't so much, so price drop TK soon. [Independent (London)]
• It's a shitty time to be a journalist. Or, at least, to be a real journalist, the kind of who writes shit the government cares about. [NYer]
60 Minutes suddenly likes sports stories. Which we're sure nothing to do with ratings, at all. [NYT]

Thank God for Media Diversity, Part II

Jessica · 01/09/06 09:03AM

At least they had different headlines this time, and our refined eye appreciates the ever-so-slight adjustment to the visual angle. Baby steps, darlings, baby steps.

No One Can Out-Wrong the 'Post'

Jesse · 01/04/06 10:05AM

On a morning when nearly all the media were wrong about the fate of the trapped miners, because they all received misinformation from the mining company, it's nice to see that the New York Post can live up to its reputation and be even wronger than everyone else.

Suggested New Year's Resolution for 'Post'

Jessica · 01/03/06 12:20PM

We'd never try to reinvent the tabloid wheel, but really, enough with the "slay." At least 172 usages since September 1, 2005, we think it's safe to suggest you Post headline writers mix it up a bit.

After Triple Overtime, 'Post' Gives Knicks New Nickname

Jesse · 01/03/06 10:27AM

Uncharacteristically, we were at the Garden for this marathon last night. And we're forced to say, in the Post's defense, that as the fucking thing went on and on and on, we probably also lost our ability to spell correctly, too.

Media Bubble: Ann Moore's Anti-Christmas Spirit to Last Into 2006

Jesse · 12/28/05 01:30PM

• Time Inc. is likely to cut as many as 400 jobs next year, maybe as early as the end of January. There is no joke to be made here. [NYP]
• How much did Mort Zuckerman want to hang onto to the News's Les Goodstein? Enough to — perish the thought — interrupt a vacation to try to convince him to stay. [WWD]
• In the crystal ball: Yahoo and Google will build news divisions in 2006, and the Bancrofts will finally sell the Journal — to an alliance of WashPostCo and Warren Buffett. [Forbes]
• Mag circ shit continues hitting the fan. [BW]
• Jon Friedman spent the strike watching NY1, and he developed a crush on the stations — and on transit reporter Bobby Cuza. [MW]

Recruiting Tips From the 'New York Post'

Jesse · 12/28/05 12:00PM

You've got to hand it to the New York Post. Not only did Rupert Murdoch's scrappy tab pull off a major coup yesterday by hiring away the top business exec at the rival Daily News, but in so doing the Posties also pioneered an entirely new recruiting technique. Usually, companies seeking new talent make sure to lavish them in praise and compliments. The Post, however, managed to lure Les Goodstein with insults.