
Page Six Gets NYC Nightlife Wrong

Jeff Neumann · 10/31/10 11:56AM

The post-Richard Johnson era Page Six today has an item about Chinatown's Santos Party House being shut down over the "criminal sale or possession of controlled substances" inside the club. Too bad they ran a picture of the wrong guys!

Branding's Greatest Misses: The New Gap Logo

Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/10 11:06AM

People really are very upset about the new logo of famous clothing store GAP! Whereas the former white-on-blue logo was iconic, the new black-letters-next-to-a-little-blue-box design has Gap fans and branding experts alike befuddled and discombobulated.

In Praise of College Newspaper Scandals

Hamilton Nolan · 10/05/10 10:53AM

College newspapers are not totally worthless. They are where young journalists go to learn. About scandal! Angry readers! Outraged parents! Repentant editors! Scared-shitless administrators! And all over some kids who are just making it up as they go! It's great.

Weatherman Flips Off Coworker, Covers It Up Horribly

Matt Cherette · 08/17/10 07:32PM

BBC weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker got peeved yesterday when co-anchor Simon McCoy implied that his forecast wouldn't be accurate. So, he flipped McCoy the bird, without realizing he was on camera. The worst middle finger coverup ever then ensued. Video inside.

CNN Made a Funny Typo Today

Matt Cherette · 08/16/10 06:10PM

Ah, typos, you've got to love them—especially when they're funny. Like this one, from this afternoon's CNN Newsroom, which we received a tip about and—luckily—were able to grab a screencap of from one of our Slingboxes. Pic inside.

Rare New Yorker Copy Editing Error Spotted!?

Adrian Chen · 08/14/10 11:21AM

To punctuation expert Lynne Truss, The New Yorker is "that famous punctilious periodical." The last grammar mistake to appear in the New Yorker might have been made by a hungover E.B. White. But has this impeccable record finally been broken?