
This Local News Correspondent Has a Deliciously Dirty Mind

Matt Cherette · 03/24/11 07:30PM

On a recent segment during Youngstown, Ohio's WFMJ morning show, Nancy from Sparkles Market appeared to discuss biscotti. How delicious! Unfortunately for Nancy, a slip of the tongue let viewers in on a dirty little secret regarding her tastes.

Watch The Situation Completely Bomb at the Donald Trump Roast

Matt Cherette · 03/15/11 10:43PM

Guess what! The Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump aired tonight. Among the roasters was Jersey Shore star The Situation, who just completely, totally, utterly bombed. How bad was he? The crowd almost didn't let him finish—seriously!

Here's a Washington Post Story With All the Editor's Notes In It

Hamilton Nolan · 03/15/11 09:02AM

If you spend more than five minutes talking to an editor, you're sure to hear about how some story or other was a total piece of shit before said editor got his hands on it. Now you can judge for yourself! The Washington Post mistakenly posted this health story by Laura Ungar online with ALL OF THE EDITOR'S ALL-CAPS NOTES INCLUDED. [The final version of the story hasn't been published yet.] We've pasted it below in case it gets pulled. Editors make typos, too! Kill them!

Is This the Worst Music Video Ever?

Gawker.TV · 03/12/11 07:46PM

If you can stomach it—I'm not exaggerating—here's the music video for teen "artist" Rebecca Black's "Friday," which has been exploding all over the Internet this weekend. My pug could write better lyrics. And my pug is dumb. [Gawker.TV]

Is This the Worst Music Video Ever?

Matt Cherette · 03/12/11 07:41PM

If you can stomach it—I'm not exaggerating—here's the music video for teen "artist" Rebecca Black's "Friday," which has been exploding all over the Internet this weekend. My pug could write better lyrics. And my pug is dumb.

Koch Industries Cannot Buy Decent PR Advice

Hamilton Nolan · 02/14/11 09:52AM

Koch Industries is—and we say this strictly in the spirit of presenting their prevalent public image in an unfiltered manner—an evil mysterious Death Star-like conglomerate controlled by two unimaginably wealthy unaccountable right-wing billionaire brothers, who are evil. The Koch brothers have made news recently for hosting a secret conservative conclave to plot who-knows-what, and for harassing journalists. They're also suing a group of pranksters who issued a fake Koch press release. Today, the NYT gave the company a chance to defend itself in the court of public opinion. Anddddd....

Anyone Seen a Russian Military Satellite?

Max Read · 02/01/11 08:41PM

Hey—has anyone seen a military satellite? Because the Russians just launched one, and it's not where it's supposed to be. (Check behind the couch?)

Let's All Agree to Ignore Mistaken Sexy IMs

Hamilton Nolan · 01/26/11 12:40PM

We don't usually involve ourselves with questions sent to advice columnists, since the advice columnist genre is all used up. But as a public service, we feel compelled to address the matter of Handling Mistaken Sexy Instant Messages.