
An Autopsy Denied: Teenager Wrongly Blamed For Killing Family, Self

Hamilton Nolan · 07/26/10 08:37AM

Last week, a house on Staten Island burned to the ground, killing the entire Jones family—four children and a mother. Most had their throats cut. Police blamed C.J., the allegedly murderous 14 year-old son. Now, they've cleared him. Whoops?

Cops' 400 Pot Plants Turn Out to Be Horsemint

Max Read · 05/23/10 09:28PM

Cops in Corpus Christi, who are clearly very well-intentioned but maybe not the sharpest tools in the police shed, seized some 400 marijuana plants from a city park. Only, they were not marijuana, so much as, "horsemint."

'Bioch' and 'Eat Ass': A Tale of Two Hilarious DMV Snafus

Adrian Chen · 05/19/10 06:30PM

There are few things funnier than bureaucratic mix-ups that result in vulgar things appearing on official documents. Today brings two hilarious DMV mistakes which resulted in "biotch" and "eat ass" on a license plate and a driver's license, respectively!

Event Honoring Gourmet Needs Gourmet People to Honor

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/09 11:21AM

This Sunday, some of the world's most famous chefs are getting together in Manhattan and "honoring the editors,writers and staff of the legendary culinary publication Gourmet Magazine." The only thing missing: Gourmet staffers. Um...you know any?

Dudes Buying Fancy Beds

Hamilton Nolan · 09/23/09 11:36AM

Just trying to be a normal xenophobic American man these days means constantly fighting back against The System (ladies, etc.) telling us to buy fancy shampoo and fancy underwear, so, hey fellas, do not buy more fancy crap by choice.