
Poop on Rupe

Hamilton Nolan · 05/11/10 12:10PM

In your holy Tuesday media column: Rupert Murdoch bathes his children in shit, David Brooks' wild undergrad antics exposed, Google has irrational hope for online ads, Playboy goes 3-D, and Donna Brazile is tired of hearing herself talk.

The Richest Journalist in America

Hamilton Nolan · 05/06/10 01:18PM

In your enriching Thursday media column: someone in the media finally strikes it rich, everyone blames Jon Meacham, Les Moonves is wildly overpaid, and you better not buy what he's selling.

Washington Post Reporter Slammed for Bias Against Bigots

Hamilton Nolan · 05/04/10 01:43PM

In your biased Tuesday media column: a WaPo reporter loses all credibility with hateful Jesus wingnuts, yet another Tumblr-to-book deal, the entire media apparatus struggles to figure out the internet's secrets, and a new poll proves nobody is credible.

Media CEOs Paid as if They Ran Successful Companies

Hamilton Nolan · 05/03/10 02:02PM

In your magical Monday media column: Media CEOs earn Monopoly money, a fine White House Celebucocksucking Dinner roundup, CNN gets a new toy, and the Arizona Republic finds a use for editorials.

Sarah Ellison Banned from WSJ Press Conference

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/10 12:41PM

In your indignant Wednesday media column: yet another example of the WSJ's determined surliness, big media buys cheap ass stories, the battle for control of the doomed Philly papers, and Alex Pareene is somewhere else now.

David Remnick Loves Porn-Obsessed Sex Comic

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/10 01:23PM

In your comment-free Monday media column: Tracy Morgan sits at the fancy table, rumors of a departure from Vogue, the WSJ targets NYT advertisers, everyone wants student newspapers to shut up, and black reporters are disappearing fast.

Another Way HuffPo Is the Same as World Net Daily

Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/10 01:00PM

In your woofin' Wednesday media column: Arianna Huffington's allotment of celebrity seats at the White House Correspondents Dinner is the greatest issue facing journalism in America, the National Enquirer was stiffed, BusinessWeek is clueless, and an alt-weekly loses.

Noted Sock Puppet Lee Siegel Finds New Gig

Hamilton Nolan · 04/12/10 01:44PM

In your magnificent Monday media column: our good friend Sprezzatura joins the NYO, a sexual harassment suit at NY1, Keith Olbermann is arguing on the Twitter, and a blind J-school student teaches us all a valuable lesson.