Billionaires Lining Up to Buy Newsweek, or Maybe Just to Offer Condolences

In your worrisome Wednesday media column: more details on the sudden (hot!) offering of Newsweek for sale, the guys at Atlantic Media hate the Politico, CNN and CBS huddle together for warmth, and cow journalism remains legal—for now.
- More on today's announcement that Newsweek is for sale: Politico has a transcript of the remarks to Newsweek staffers—much of which is taken up with assuring them that yes, there will surely be a buyer forthcoming; but if there's not, you will get severance, so, silver lining. Hmm. Best quote goes to USNWR editor Brian Kelly, who admits that they "haven't considered ourselves part of that category for several years. It was fun while it lasted." And Newsweek editor Jon Meacham tells John Koblin he's already had voicemails from "two billionaires" about...investing, hopefully? Also, Nikki Finke gives her usual reserved, levelheaded, shriek-infused take. Oh and Ken Layne! RELATED: the cost of magazine paper is going up! What will this all mean for coverage of the historical Jesus?
- David Bradley is ready to use the National Journal to take on Politico, which he thinks is just sensationalist crap. That's what he says, essentially, when you strip out all the politesse: the Politico is just sensationalist crap.
- CBS and CNN are in talks regarding merging their newsgathering operations. Why the fuck would they want to do that, you ask? To save money, because they are both getting stomped by competitors.
- Hero college photojournalist Alex Kotran of the Ohio State U Lantern will not be charged with a crime for photographing escaped cows, on campus. Attica. Attica. Attica.