
Media Job Market Only 93% as Terrifying as Last Year

Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/10 12:32PM

In your hot hot Wednesday media column: a (relative) tidal wave of journalism jobs, a plan to save CNN, a publisher goes bankrupt, and Conde poaches Elle's branding mastermind.

Adenoidal Anchor to Ankle MSNBC for CNN?

John Cook · 04/02/10 01:38PM

In your proxy Friday media column: MSNBC's David Shuster shot a pilot for CNN, Barack Obama demands (metaphorical!) oral sex from reporters, Smithsonian magazine stiffs a war-damaged correspondent, and losing just $80 million means you're Publisher of the Year.

The Day Free News Died

John Cook · 03/26/10 03:05PM

In your counterfeit Friday media column: Rupert Murdoch launches the first volley in the new paywall wars, ABC News employees face a buyout deadline, Forbes loses a key editor, and Variety throws a hissyfit.

Food Critic Also Beaten Up by Albany Court

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/10 01:09PM

In your vengeful Wednesday media column: Albany justice does not save the media, a physically attractive journalist is found in India, Nightline is old, and the WSJ plans to cover this whole "god damn Mets" business.

Who Is W's Next Editor?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/22/10 02:07PM

In your munificent Monday media column: W's new editor selection appears to be at hand, Howie Kurtz writes something decent, a WSJ prediction comes (roughly) true, and low morale at ABC News.

Ad Money Heads Up, Towards Apocalypse

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/10 01:02PM

In your energizing Wednesday media column: ad spending is rising towards an inevitable deadly explosion, Yahoo hires some good writers, AOL enters the food blog wars, and a Cleveland reporter is a wanted man.