In your party-oriented Wednesday media column: the NYT launches a nightlife column, Julie Chen prepares to take on The View, ads masquerading as news in L.A., and One Man: Two Identical Letters to the Editor.

  • The New York Times is launching a nightlife column. Finally! It will be in the City Room section, it will be called The Nocturnalist, and it will be written by Sarah Maslin Nir (pictured)—New York native, Columbia grad, former Capitol Hill staffer intern/ speechwriter and current NYT staffer freelancer. How off the motherfucking chizz will this column be? It will feature anything from "'jazz jam sessions' to a club night or even private salons in socialite homes, [an editor] said. They could be 'mainstream or avant-guarde.'" You never fucking know with The Nocturnalist, punk bitches. Maybe even some dude's apartment? You just never know. Sarah, email us, let's party—after dark.
  • Julia "married to Les Moonves" Chen is reportedly preparing to shoot a pilot of a show that would be CBS's answer to "The View." If that doesn't work out, Julie Chen will just keep on doing whatever else she wants on CBS. She is married to Les Moonves.
  • The LA Times reports that LA news station KCBS is running ads for a hospital masquerading as news. "Hey, running ads masquerading as news is our thing," objected the LA Times.
  • Would you ever have guessed, in all your years, that you would see the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal publish the exact same letter to the editor from the same man on consecutive days? Former Goldman Sachs employee Jeffrey Cohen has accomplished this feat! See here, and here. (First spotted by Mike Wichman). Jeffrey Cohen is now the most accomplished former Goldman Sachs employee, ever.