
MTanzer · 12/29/12 10:38AM

On her next tour, Lady Gaga will provide counseling for her fans to help them deal with issues like depression. Nice.

Robert Kessler · 12/06/12 11:38AM

Everything's coming up ... Gaga? Barbra Streisand is considering Lady Gaga to play Rose Hovick in her remake of Gypsy.

Live Nation Gave Lady Gaga a Plane and Prosciutto

MTanzer · 11/03/12 10:09AM

Lady Gaga's Monster Ball Tour grossed 227.4 million dollars, so it's expected that the touring industry wants to keep her happy. Live Nation wanted to make sure the Gags was at peak happiness so they gave her a 757 jet. She told her 30.8 million Twitter followers last night "So apparently LIVE NATION gave us a 757 I just cried on the tarmac. We tried to take a pic but its too big." That last part is such a humble-brag.

'Lady Gaga' Rightfully Gets Eaten By A South African Lion

MTanzer · 10/16/12 07:29PM

Watching Lady Gaga get car jacked gives us a bit of real satisfaction. She's been slacking off lately and at this point, we seriously would have to consider not giving her a spot at VH1's Divas. The video for Die Antwoord's "Fatty Boom Boom" may give her the kick in the pants she needs to get back on track.

Here's Video of Lady Gaga Throwing Up Onstage

Taylor Berman · 10/07/12 11:20PM

Last week, Justin Bieber puked onstage. This week, it was Lady Gaga's turn. The pop star ralphed during her performance in Barcelona yesterday. Like a true pro, she kept on performing and even tried to blend the retching into her choreography. More of a pro, though, was her dancing partner, who admirably showed no fear of being puked on.

Bodyguard Body Slams Romanian Lady Gaga Fan

Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/17/12 08:00AM

While leaving her hotel in Bucharest, Romania, Lady Gaga was rushed by an overzealous fan ostensibly looking to get the singer's autograph.

Today's Song: Lady Gaga Invites You To Her Funeral with 'Princess Die'

Rich Juzwiak · 06/27/12 04:20PM

At last night's Melbourne stop on her Born This Way Ball tour, Lady Gaga debuted the song "Princess Die," and everything about it was ridiculous. "It's about some of the most deep and personal thoughts I've ever had and it's called ‘Princess Die. D-I-E. D…I…E," she announced, motioning to her Lisa Frank journal with a highway unicorn on its cover.