Lady Gaga was forced to release her own sexy Instagrammed images of her (heretofore closely guarded) debut fragrance black fluid "Fame" on Twitter today, following the leak of a low quality picture in which the bottle looked totally shitty that took place a few days ago.

The source of that leak was Lisa Tant, the editor of Canadian fashion magazine Flare. Tant's feed was quickly scrubbed clean of the offending tweet, but the damage was already done. You'll never sell fashion in this town again, Flare. A million girls would kill for this job. That sweater is cerulean, etc.

Here's Gaga's crinkly wrinkly take, via her Twitter:

"Looks like photos of my perfume are being leaked. Oh fashion editors I could just crinkle my hands at you!"

Earlier this year, Gaga made headlines when she started telling people she wanted her perfume to smell like blood and semen, A.K.A. nature's flowers.

Turns out it doesn't smell like blood and semen. Instead, it smells like a poem written by a dark-hearted seventeen-year-old girl who hates apricots.

Here are the notes, as listed on the back of the box:

  • "tears of belladonna"
  • "crushed heart of tiger orchidea"
  • "a black veil of incense"
  • "the combinative essences of saffron and honeydrops"
  • "pulverized apricots"

It's also worth noting that, even though the bottle looks like an egg filled with sludge, the perfume was crafted using the latest in black water technology, meaning that the sludge itself sprays on clear.

Here are Gaga's tweets — If you look closely in the first image, you can see a reflection of (what are presumably) Gaga's crinkly hands holding up her iPhone to snap the photo.

[NY Daily News // Image via Lady Gaga's Twitter]