Staten Island Borough President: Lady Gaga is a 'Slut' for Smoking Weed On Stage

Speaking at yesterday's unveiling of a new anti-substance abuse initiative, Staten Island Borough President James Molinaro took shots at Lady Gaga for allegedly glorifying drug use in the eyes of today's impressionable youth.
"There's the influence right there," Molinaro told reporters, pointing to photos of Gaga smoking a spliff on stage at a recent concert in Amsterdam. "There's Gaga. Here's this ... this ... I would call her a slut. This slut is influencing many, many children."
He went on to call out all "these actresses, actors, ballplayers" who "use drugs as if it's nothing" saying that shouldn't be praised or honored.
Returning to Gaga, Molinaro said, "to me, she's not an actress, she's a slut ... in the pure meaning of the word."
As others have pointed out, Gaga is neither an actress, nor a slut in any meaning of the word.