
Your Unborn Baby Already Too Fat

Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/10 01:21PM

Fat American wombs are overstuffed with fat baby eating machines that will soon die! Judo and soda taxes are our only hope. It's your daily fitness watch, where we watch your fitness—while jogging!

How to Make Fun of Twentysomethings

Hamilton Nolan · 02/01/10 04:49PM

Have you heard about this kid, James O'Keefe? Grandiosely playing journalist and getting arrested in the classic Watergate fashion—why, his hilariously mis-channeled post-college angst is enough to make you write a How-To list mocking his whole godforsaken age demographic!

Cheer Up, College Kids. It Only Gets Worse.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/21/10 04:51PM

The Way We Live Now: Self-pityingly. College freshmen are the recession's littlest victims. China is a bully. Our house is cold. And trying to make it in New York is worse than the Holocaust.

Kids Everywhere Up to No Good

Hamilton Nolan · 01/20/10 04:43PM

The youth of today: what the hell are they doing all the time? Nothing good, that's for sure.

Why Have Kids?

Hamilton Nolan · 01/07/10 04:40PM

"Why have kids?" So asks Motherlode blog reader "Bailey," in a heartfelt effort to get to the bottom of the mystery of human reproductive urges. She came to the right place; if anyone can solve philosophical conundrums, it's internet commenters.

Kids These Days: Hopeless

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/09 11:51AM

What about the children? A cursory examination of the "news" reveals the chilling truth which we have all dreaded for so long: There is no hope for you, kids. Just do what you want.

Exercise Video Games Replace Exercise

Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/09 12:43PM

In the same way in which 98% of Americans ply their "Modern Warfare" online rather than joining the Army, we also refuse to work out without the warm, glowing distraction of a video game.

No Country For Old Men (Except China)

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/09 03:26PM

The Way We Live Now: Old, broke, uneducated, and wishing we were in China. They have it good, over there. The Chinese. Arrrrgh.