
Fauxhemian and Italian Stereotypes Battle in Williamsburg

Hamilton Nolan · 06/07/10 09:22AM

In a magical neighborhood called Williamsburg, old meets new, religious meets artistic, cultures combine to create a wondrous...ehhh. Old Italians and young Fauxhemians behaving stereotypically, dig it!

Dogs in Dorm Rooms: The Only Way College Could Get Grosser

Maureen O'Connor · 06/06/10 10:49AM

Dogs and babies are the only creatures that vomit more than college freshmen do. Allowing dogs in dorms, then, is dangerous, but it's happening anyway. Come, witness a terrible world where week-old pizza in the common room contains dog turds.

Lots of Great News About Dying Children

Hamilton Nolan · 05/24/10 04:39PM

A new study says that urban kids (homicide) and rural kids (suicide, accidents) are equally likely to die from guns. Good? Another study says that a mere 7.7 million children under five will die this year. Yay? [WP, NYT]

Police Ain't Gonna Tell You How to Raise Your Baby

Hamilton Nolan · 05/11/10 04:02PM

You know the thing where parents force their kid to smoke a cigarette, to teach them that smoking's nasty? You get arrested for that now. Although to be fair, five is maybe too young. Also the mom had weed. [AP]

Government Program Teaches Kids to Gaze at Ads Better

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/10 08:40AM

What the hell...the U.S. government—which depends on consumer tax revenue—has started a new program to "educate" kids on how advertising works. Outlandish! Oh, wait—by "educate," they mean "indoctrinate, as enthusiastic consumers." Please continue!

Do Not Try to Befriend Cops While Drunk

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/10 09:19AM

We bring you the following story as a public service—for journalists, college students, and everyone else. Take the experience of Tim Chapman, former editor of James Madison University's student newspaper, as a lesson: Cops are not your drinking buddies.