Oh, gross. Students at a Pennsylvania high school are pioneering a new dance move called "the amoeba" which involves all the kids gathering in a cluster and... it involves "bodily fluids". These kids and their MTV/hardcore pornography!

Here is what NBC Philadelphia says:

Another local high school is trying to ban "dirty dancing" at proms. Why? There seems to be problem with a dance in which students cluster in tight groups, preventing adults from seeing what's going on in the middle.

So what's going on in the middle?

"The custodial staff were…cleaning bodily fluids off the floor," Susan Nolen, copresident of the Parent Teacher Group and mother of two students at Penncrest High School told the Inquirer.

"Bodily fluids..." OK! Let's not rush to conclusions, here. Maybe they are spitting on the floor? Yeah: A wacky, fun spitting circle! Who can spit the most!? Ha ha!

In response to this dancing, Penncrest High School hopefully re-floored their gym and hired an exorcist to banish whatever evil had transpired there. They also made students sign a "contract" this year:

The contract went out at the beginning of the 2009-10 school year, requiring students to take Breathalyzer-type tests, allow bag searches, and step away from "grinding, freaking or any mimicking of sexual acts"; "front-to-back touching"; straddling one another; or "doing anything that requires resting their hands on their knees or the floor," reports the Inquirer.

It apparently worked, as there have been no more incidents with bodily fluid this year. Whatever happened to waiting until you were in the backseat of a minivan to do that kind of stuff?