Kids Today All Want to Tap That

In the futuristic year of Twenty Aught Ten, what is it that high school students want? Haunting new evidence confirms: they want to tap that.
The NY Post breaks the news that seniors at Stuyvesant High School have brashly and publicly expressed their desire to tap their fellow students—whether hottie, love, or crush. More shockingly, the Stuyvesant administration has allowed these public expressions of tap desire to be posted at school, and online, leaving nothing to the imagination when it comes to who each specific student would or would not tap, in a perfect world in which all carnal desires were fulfilled. Indeed, the peer pressure at the school in favor of tapping is so pronounced that a lone voice of dissent was forced to remain anonymous:
"The 'I'd tap that' category, I would definitely get rid of that," said one teacher, who did not want to be identified. "To me, that's what social-networking sites like MySpace and Twitter are for. High school is not the place for that."
Kids: keep the declarations of your desire to tap that on the internet, like your teacher does. You'd be amazed how many smoking hot high school chicks you can pull on Myspace.
[Pic: Shutterstock. Let's keep in mind the pertinent fact that Stuyvesant is a nerd high school.]