
Kid Breaks Fall With $1.5 Million Painting

Gabrielle Bluestone · 08/25/15 08:07AM

A 12-year-old tripped at a museum in Taiwan this weekend; luckily a $1.5 million painting was there to break his fall. The kid is reportedly fine, the $1.5 million painting, not so much: according to reports, it now has a kid-sized hole in it.

Millennials Won't Get Out There and Feather Their Own Nests

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/15 08:23AM

“Millennials,” a demographic group defined by a slavish devotion to “keeping it real” by purchasing the correct consumer products, are now old enough to be “out there” in the world, “doing their thing.” Instead, they are living at home.

Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/15 04:55PM

“In 2015, 36 percent of parents said in a poll published this week that they expect to support their child for more than two years after graduation... [but] most millennials are reluctant to admit they’re being bankrolled.” Psht. Get that free money while you still can, idiots.

Millennials Are Buying Houses, Are You?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/15 12:47PM

You know who just bought a house? A new house? Ayden, and Kylie, and tens of thousands of their "millennial" generation friends. Did you also buy a house? Or no?

Terrifying: The Creative Underclass May Never Escape the City

Hamilton Nolan · 01/20/15 11:02AM

Traditionally, young people come to the big city with a dream; then, when that dream inevitably fails to materialize, many of them move away to some smaller, more forgiving town and cry silently, years later, at what might have been. Now, the fucking tables have turned.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/19/14 10:30AM

A five-year-old boy who heard that the University of Alabama-Birmingham was canceling its football program sent his entire $1 allowance to the school to try to save it. That's not nearly enough—his useless gesture was a failure.

Cities Consider How to Make Life Harder For the Homeless

Hamilton Nolan · 10/29/14 08:17AM

The homeless in America are not just old winos perched on the same corner day after day. There are also the young homeless, who ride the rails and sleep on the beach and live equally awful but more mobile lives. Some towns would like to make their lives harder.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/14 08:56AM

Yet another study has confirmed that sexting teens are more likely to have real sex, but researchers say they still have not solved the "chicken and egg problem" of which one causes the other. More research to be done. Lots more.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/14 04:09PM

Talking to children about god exposes some serious flaws in credibility: "He could just make the earth collapse," says one child; "When he gets happy, he brings out the sun," says another. These kids are all over the fucking map.