Millennials Are Buying Houses, Are You?

You know who just bought a house? A new house? Ayden, and Kylie, and tens of thousands of their "millennial" generation friends. Did you also buy a house? Or no?
I don't mean to pry. I just thought, hey, since tens of thousands of millennials are out there buying new homes, and they don't even know how to manage money responsibly like you and their jobs all sound made-up like "social media coordinator" and they don't appreciate the value of hard work, that you—a hardworking adult—surely must also be buying a home. A bigger and better home, I would imagine.
Are you?
It's not a big deal, obviously. Your apartment is super cool. And so cozy! It's just that when I see here that, according to the latest figures, "Millennials made up 32 percent of the U.S. housing market in 2014, up from 28 percent two years earlier, and have pulled ahead of the older Generation X as the largest segment of buyers," I think to myself, "Wow—the only way that could ever happen would be if everyone else already bought a home and nobody is even interested in doing it any more, because if it was some super difficult or valuable thing, how could millennials be doing it so easily, considering the fact that they are barely capable of feeding themselves."
So what is your new house like? Do tell!
I mean, it says here that "Americans signed contracts to purchase 17,000 new houses in the $200,000-to-$299,999 price range last month, the most since March 2008." Sounds like a great deal! Those cheapos are probably what the millennials are buying—idiots! Stuck in a $300,000 house because of their pitiful lack of resources. It gives me a chuckle! When these kids are all over America snapping up these houses left and right, I can only imagine what kind of crib you bought, with your real job and maturity. Sleek modern condo? Country estate? Suburban Mcmansion?
So what house did you buy?
Millennials are buying houses.
How about you?