One year ago, a New York City college student named Rachael Sacks wrote a typically obnoxious Thought Catalog essay that "went viral" for approximately one week. Now, she is reminiscing on the pains of her lost fame.

The title of this work: "Life After Fame." A Thought Catalog essay by Rachael Sacks. November 10, 2014.

I don't think being a real person is a bad thing, but it doesn't seem that fun. Right now I'm doing schoolwork and writing this article in the Coffee Bean in the Meatpacking District. On my walk in I passed the day club Bagatelle where throngs of giggling girls stood with their older boyfriends waiting to get in, looking like they were having the time of their lives. It's my choice to decide to fade into obscurity and realize that I can't get away with being on TV as this party girl character that isn't me. I have many more years of dues to pay until I can buy my own way into that club and have the luxury of no work to do on a Sunday. To me success feels like waiting around for bigger things to happen for you. Meanwhile you're doing intermittent work to make it happen, and putting yourself in advantageous situations. I wrote that article because I had to cockiness to think Thought Catalog would want it, I had the good timing of a slow news week and boom all of this attention on me that I had always wanted. Obviously there's a dark side to people prodding into your life, but my point is, timing is everything.

There should be a support group for formerly famous internet people.

Let's all agree to forget that any of this ever happened.

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