
Hamilton Nolan · 05/31/16 04:02PM

“The same brain circuits that are activated by eating chocolate and winning money are activated when teenagers see large numbers of ‘Likes’ on their own photos.” Why can’t these narcissistic teens just eat Snickers bars at slot machines, as we did in simpler times?

Millennials Stay in Shitty Hotels

Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/16 11:25AM

PROBLEM: There are so many millennials today, but they can’t afford to stay in your company’s nice hotels. SOLUTION: Build shittier motels—for millennials.

Teens May Be Evolving to Become Ruder

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/15 09:45AM

Teens: America’s greatest danger. Whether roughhousing, vandalizing things, or making snide remarks, groups of teens are reliable terrors. We must now confront the possibility that teens are growing even bolder.

Student Movements Carry on Tradition of Arguing With Themselves

Hamilton Nolan · 11/20/15 11:00AM

America is a nation founded on a legacy of white supremacy that persists to this day, causing great pain and inequality. Before we get around to solving that, though: let’s have a serious talk about who started the protest Facebook group.