Journalism continues staggering pushes forward on an otherwise ordinary Sunday! In the great "tradition" of mixing up people like Matt Lauer and Meredith Viera with public drunks like Hoda and Kathy Lee, The Today Show's newest hire? Jenna Bush. Whee!
Remember George Gombossy? He's the longtime Hartford Courant reporter who was fired after filing a column exposing the shady practices of the Manny Noriega-esque mattress retailer, Sleepy's. Well, the Courant's looking for his replacement. Future of consumer journalism, your qualifications:
In your finally Friday media column: Army profiles of journalists are a huge waste of money, a special journalists asks for a special job, the New Yorker hires someone expressly to make you jealous, and newspapers lose billions again.
Way to just stand around chuckling and taking digital photos, pedestrians below. Even before you knew it was a stunt! Jeez Suge Knight could probably take over the entire nation of New Zealand in like four days. [via Adfreak]
We were disappointed yesterday when the cowardly Wall Street Journalfailed to fire faux-trendspotting flack Mark Penn for using his newspaper column to troll for PR clients. But—hearteningly—both Penn and the paper appear increasingly pathetic!
Seriously, this whole Shop Class As Soulcraft idolatry movement full of retro-blue collar yuppies: stop it. You people are like hippies but instead of getting back to nature you want to get back to... floor cleaning jobs, apparently.
In your recovering Thursday media column: layoffs at the AP, a truly awesome correction, another restaurant critic gets canned, the SPJ conference is good for alkies, and Incisive Media has contest that is fun and tasty!
Yesterday we reported that Microtrend-spouting flack Mark Penn's PR firm was using his Wall Street Journal column to drum up PR business. Penn is ethically compromised. But today, the WSJ tells us they're keeping Penn on as a columnist. Cowards.
In your tanned Wednesday media column: Maer Roshan is up to something in LA, Portfolio('s picture) gets a new life, the NYT mag has a new, pretentious slogan, and booty skills translate between magazines.
Arizona has been on a crazy streak this week. Judge not, coastal elites; if you had vodka in your tampons and crystal meth in your highlighter, you'd be crazy too.
On this day in 1835, the New York Sun published the first in a series of articles detailing the wondrous discoveries of life forms and civilization on the moon. It was all downhill for the New York Sun after that.
In your motivated Tuesday media column: Free weed with magazine subscriptions, Incisive Media gets all 'Up With People' and shit, Jason Horowitz gets a new job, and Roger Ebert picks up a chip.
In your unnerving Monday Media column: The paper of record cannot stop talking about Skye Parrott (??), the Tribune Co. sells a losing team, JPMorgan takes over publishing by accident, and the great political talk show ad debate. No worries!
Barack Obama is on vacation on Martha's Vineyard, with his family, his dog, and the traveling press corps. This is terrible news for that island's struggling community.
Have they moved Mark Penn's fortnightly genius column to Saturdays just to thwart us? No matter! This week's Microtrend secretly shaping our society: Glamorous Camping, or "glamping." (Utter silence). Uhhh. Maybe Saturday is the right day. [WSJ]
Media wise man Steven Brill is busy saving (HEH) the newspaper industry with micropayments—but not so busy that he couldn't write up a longNew Yorker article about NYC teachers. Hey, it's good to be good at something.
Yes, Steve Jobs is that evil. Silicon Valley spent the past month convincing itself AT&T just absolutely had to be responsible for kicking the useful Google Voice application off the iPhone App store. Whoops, it was Dear Leader.
Three! That's how many days Times reporter Geraldine Fabrikant—one half of the duo behind today's sympathy-for-the-rich piece about the decline of the super-wealthy—spent hanging out in New Mexico with deflated multimillionaire John McAfee. Why are newspapers dying, again?
In your sweat-drenched Friday media column: Newser's traffic plunches, Rupert Murdoch's paycheck plunges, the likelihood of Sam Zell staying at the Tribune Co. plunges, and The Progressive's bank account plunges.