In your recovering Thursday media column: layoffs at the AP, a truly awesome correction, another restaurant critic gets canned, the SPJ conference is good for alkies, and Incisive Media has contest that is fun and tasty!

This email went out today to News Media Guild members, informing them of two sudden layoffs in the AP's entertainment department:

Folks, AP terminated two New York Entertainment staffers today that
alarmed many staffers because of the suddenness of the cuts and choice
of the affected staffers.
We had no idea the layoffs were coming. AP cuts staff without
providing advance notice to the union. Responding to a Guild inquiry,
AP said Doug Rowe, a long service employee with broad experience, has
exerted his seniority right to other work in the New York City bureau
that he is qualified for. We believe Rowe's contract rights were
ignored and are hopeful he will be offered another position. Disputed
terminations can be arbitrated. Another staffer with three years
service was released. AP must give a staffer four weeks advance
written notice or pay in lieu of notice. It chose to issue four weeks
pay in their cases.

Correction of the day, from the Brandeis student paper via Regret The Error: "The original article provided the incorrect location of New York University's new institution. It is in Abu Dhabi, not Abu Ghraib." They'll have to correct that again when NYU Abu Ghraib opens up in six months.

NY Daily News restaurant critic and Josh Stein favorite Danyelle "Restaurant Girl" Freeman has been dropped by the paper, and she says she won't be replaced. The NYT counts Freeman as the four-and-a-halfth NYC food critic to get dropped in the past year or so. Meanwhile Frank Bruni is sitting at home right now eating fried money.

Slogan of the Society of Professional Journalists "Convention and National Journalism Conference," which starts today: "You've heard of 12-step recovery programs. Now try SPJ's seven-step program for career success!" Yea, you know you've heard of 12-step recovery programs.

Employee Appreciation Week at Incisive Media continues. Today's exciting email offer(!):

As Labor Day approaches, many of you will be spending time with family
and friends cooking your favorite summer dishes.

As part of Employee Appreciation Week We Want to Know...
"What is your favorite summer recipe?"

Please e-mail your response no later then 3:00 PM Friday — only one
entry per employee please. All submissions will be entered into a
drawing to win a $25.00 gift card from a list of retailers (including
Barnes & Noble, The Gap, Banana Republic, Home Depot, Olive Garden, and
Bath & Body Works). We will publish some of the recipes on InHouse so
everyone will be able to enjoy them.
