
Child Is Envy of White House Press Corps

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/09 01:08PM

In your desperate Thursday media column: America's toddler journalist has a lesson for Wolf Blitzer, college football wants to muzzle bloggers, newspapers burn, and ESPN magazine is mad cheap!

The Forbes Powerful Women Randomly Ranked List

John Cook · 08/20/09 09:35AM

In its maniacal zeal to crank out endless lists of arbitrarily arranged names, Forbes has ranked the world's women by power. Did you know that Guler Sabanci, the chairman of Turkey's Sabanci Holdings, is more powerful than Oprah? It's true

Jayson Blair's Increasingly Unlikely Career Path

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/09 09:34AM

Fake reporter Jayson Blair! Did you know he was once a professional Amazon bookseller? It's true! And what is he doing these days? A reasonable guess would be, "Something involving drugs and shattered lives," and that would be totally correct.

Journalist Fired After Exposing Crooked Practices Of Advertiser?

Foster Kamer · 08/15/09 05:30PM

Plenty of New Yorkers are familiar with Sleepy's, the Manny Noriega-esque monopoly on mattresses. They suck! And a longtime Hartford Courant consumer affairs columnist was fired from the paper, who they advertised with, possibly for saying and proving so.

Beware the Ides of August

John Cook · 08/14/09 04:08PM

Tomorrow is August 15, when we wade into the thickest weeds of summer, sleepy and slow. Everyone's on vacation (or sad they're still working), media B-teams helm the control rooms and Page One meetings, and bullshit stories blossom like gladiolas.

CNBC Asks Teabaggers to Provide a Riot

Pareene · 08/12/09 02:15PM

"Tea Party Patriots" National Coordinator Jenny Beth Martin got a friendly little "media request" from CNBC: could you crazies maybe go crazy up a town hall somewhere? Sure, a 'Bagger says: how bout the guy who got the swastika?