Magazine Industry Reaches 'Free Drugs' Stage
In your motivated Tuesday media column: Free weed with magazine subscriptions, Incisive Media gets all 'Up With People' and shit, Jason Horowitz gets a new job, and Roger Ebert picks up a chip.

A magazine called KUSH LA gives a glimpse of what it takes to bring in print subscribers these days: "In the August edition of KUSH, readers will find a coupon offering the first 100 coupon holders a free 8th of marijuana to 'new patients.'" It won't be long until magazines are giving out free hits of heroin. Sustainable business model, at least.

Ha, this email went out to all employees at Incisive Media this morning. Morale!
Subject: Employee Appreciation Week - We Want To Know
We Want To KnowAs a part of Employee Appreciation Week We Want to Know...
"What is your favorite thing about working for Incisive Media?"
Please e-mail your response no later then 3:00 PM today — only one
entry per employee please. All submissions will be entered into a
drawing to win a $25.00 gift card from a list of retailers (including
Barnes & Noble, The Gap, Banana Republic, Home Depot, Olive Garden, and
Bath & Body Works).We look forward to hearing your responses. If you have any questions,
please let us know.
For $25 maybe they'll make something up.

Jason Horowitz, the chief political reporter at the New York Observer, is leaving to join the Style section of the Washington Post. Job or at least maybe some freelancing opportunities temporarily available at the NYO, maybe!

Roger Ebert has been clean and sober for 30 years today. He tells his entire A.A. story on his blog. Wowza. Thirty years is a long time.