The Skye Parrott Conspiracy
In your unnerving Monday Media column: The paper of record cannot stop talking about Skye Parrott (??), the Tribune Co. sells a losing team, JPMorgan takes over publishing by accident, and the great political talk show ad debate. No worries!

Here is a bizarre thing that we will chalk up to some deep conspiracy. NYT, real estate section, August 21: Look at this adorable couple that lives in a Fort Greene brownstone:
Two recent arrivals to this stretch, a pair of 30-year-old newlyweds named Alec Friedman and Skye Parrott (yes, everyone asks if that's her real name, and yes, it is),
Okay sure. And then the Metropolitan Diary, yesterday:
Dear Diary:
Many years ago, I took my daughter, Skye, and her friend Katie, both 7, to MoMA. The girls were bored. Not wanting to waste a trip into the city, I decided to take them to Tiffany's. That was a hit.
When we got back to Hoboken, Katie announced to her mother very seriously, "Mom, I've decided that I like rubies best when they're surrounded by diamonds." Virginia Parrott
And a god damn wedding announcement last month! Skye "Sulzberger" Parrott? Who are you?
[Clearly she is an upscale hippie but what else?] [Pic via]

The Tribune Co. has finally completed the sale of the Chicago Cubs, for $845 million. In the 28 years it owned the team, Tribune Co. brought as much success to the Cubs as Sam Zell has brought to Tribune Co.

The Hallmark Channel is restructuring as its parent company tries to cut its own copious debt load. Reader's Digest officially filed for bankruptcy today. And JPMorgan is now a bigger publisher than Time Inc., thanks to all the publishing companies falling into its lap after financial collapse. The new media!

Advertisers are fleeing from Glenn Beck's show because he's a little too crazy, but could the backlash spread to slightly less crazy political talk shows, as well? Ad Age believes it just might happen! First, you know, Procter&Gamble pulls its ads from Beck, but then they figure why not just pull them from everything politically controversial, and before you know it O'Reilly and Olbermann are outta advertisers too! 1. As long as these shows pull big ratings they'll have advertisers. 2. Maybe those advertisers would then flee to, you know, worthwhile journalism shows? And blogs like ours, hmmm? 3. But if they did eventually savvy marketers would take advantage of the ad dearth to sneak back onto political talk shows, and there you go. Don't worry, fans of drivel.