
Courtney Love Wants to Snort Kurt Cobain's Ashes

Maureen O'Connor · 03/16/11 10:23AM

Courtney Love offers to "take a metal straw" to Kurt Cobain's remains. Charlie Sheen enters the t-shirt business. Gilbert Gottfried regrets his tsunami jokes. Joe Jonas swears he's not gay. Wednesday gossip communes with the beyond.

Ryan Phillippe's Secret Love Child and Other Surprises

Maureen O'Connor · 03/15/11 10:23AM

A pregnant ex-girlfriend materializes and turns Ryan Phillippe's life into a soap opera. A mystery starlet's cocaine video will make Miley Cyrus' bong "look like a Disney movie." A group of teen girls break into Justin Bieber's hotel room. Tuesday gossip has arrived.

Lindsay Lohan's Paparazzi-Induced Anxiety Attack, and Other Panics

Maureen O'Connor · 03/14/11 10:27AM

Lindsay Lohan hyperventilates and calls the paparazzi "animals." Someone is selling a sex tape of Usher. Charlie Sheen misses his son's birthday party. Britney Spears reunites with K-Fed at her son's baseball game. Monday gossip sucks and blows.

Someone Took Jake Gyllenhaal's Picture While He Was Peeing at South By Southwest

Adrian Chen · 03/13/11 12:59PM
  • At the Nerd BBQ fest South by Southwest, some guy tried to take Jake Gyllenhaal's picture at the premier of his nerd thriller Source Code… while he was in the bathroom peeing. Ew, guy! Jake confronted the guy, who eventually deleted it. And of course, it being South By Southwest, the whole ordeal was live-tweeted: Wrote one guy: "Gyllenhaal apparently grabbed the dude mid-photo, threw him against the wall and was like, ‘are we really gonna do this right now?'" Clearly, Jake needs to take a lesson in transparency from James Franco, just tweets pictures of his (maybe) penis before anyone else has a chance to. [HollywoodNews]

Mel Gibson Won't Go to Jail For Allegedly Beating Oksana

Adrian Chen · 03/12/11 10:43AM
  • Mel Gibson entered a "no contest" plea to his charge of battery against Oksana Grigorieva yesterday and will receive no jail time. Mel was accused of hitting Oksana while she held their kid on January 6, 2010. Then there was the whole back-and-forth in the tabloids, the pictures of Oksana's battered face released, the authenticity of those pictured questioned, etc. etc. It was all for nothing! The plea allows Mel to maintain his innocence, while not exactly pleading "innocence." Now Mel will be forced to do 16 hours of community service for a group called "Mending Kids," and must stay away from Oksana, which he has to do anyway. So, we put an unhinged and violent man in contact with kids for 16 hours? Nice punishment. Meanwhile, Oksana's lawsuit against Mel continues unabated. [TMZ]

Miley Cyrus Freaks Out at a Paparazzo, and Other Confrontations

Maureen O'Connor · 03/10/11 11:08AM

Miley Cyrus snaps at a paparazzo. Christina Aguilera returns to the scene of her public intoxication. Lindsay Lohan prepares for her big day in court. Brangelina's children "turn violent." Thursday gossip wonders what Lindsay Lohan will wear to court today.

Charlie Sheen Finally Admits 'I'm Losing My Mind'

Maureen O'Connor · 03/09/11 11:10AM

Charlie Sheen says he's "ready to call anyone for help," but is this just another senseless rant, or has his mania abated? Lindsay Lohan's maybe-stolen necklace hits the auction block. Amanda Seyfried gets Botox at 25. Wednesday gossip crashes into a deep depression.

Surveillance Video of Lindsay Lohan's Alleged Necklace Theft Sold

Adrian Chen · 03/06/11 11:28AM
  • The Venice Beach jewelry store at the center of Lindsay Lohan's necklace theft case has sold the surveillance tape that purportedly shows Lilo stealing the $2,500 necklace. This will likely screw up the trial, but Entertainment Tonight's going to play the video on Monday anyway. They've already released a few teaser stills, where Lindsay is seen trying on stuff at the jewelry store. According to the video's official website (yes, it exists) "The tapes speak for themselves." Are theft tapes the new sex tapes? [Radar]

David Arquette Survives Head-On Crash as TMZ Live-blogs It

Adrian Chen · 03/05/11 10:50AM
  • David Arquette was involved in a head-on collision in LA and suffered a minor injured. Thank god someone was there with a cellphone camera to capture him sprawled on the ground seconds after the crash, then immediately send the picture to TMZ. "David is lying on the ground right now—bleeding" wrote TMZ. You can always count on good samaritans. Anyway, Arquette later tweeted "I'm fine," so we don't have to have a national convulsion over the fact that millions of people gawked at his tragedy while eating their Chipotle on lunch break. (PS: WEAR YOUR SEATBELT.) [TMZ, TMZ]

Christina Aguilera Arrested for Public Drunkenness

Maureen O'Connor · 03/01/11 10:51AM

Christina Aguilera and her boyfriend got sloshed, then arrested, last night. An actress names her children "Ptolemy" and "Winter." Leonardo DiCaprio trades "tender" kisses with a man. Tuesday gossip spent the night in a drunk tank.