Charlie Sheen goes to extreme lengths to prove he's not on drugs. Natalie Portman wears a cheap dress. Lil Wayne gets searched. Inside Kelsey Grammer's emotional wedding. Sunday Gossip Roundup, coming up!

  • After Charlie Sheen's crazy radio rant sparked CBS' shutting down his show, Radar had the brilliant idea to challenge him to pass a drug test, since Sheen sounded literally cracked-out while talking to radio host Alex Jones. Sheen flew back to LA from the Bahamas and miraculously passed a home urine test! It was conducted right in front of a Radar editor to prevent tampering, which must have been the high point of of both men's careers: According to the test, Sheen hasn't smoked pot in at least 40 days or used cocaine in at least four days, which puts him clean at the time of the radio interview. Not content with this proof, Sheen also had blood drawn for an even more intense test by a toxicology lab. Good for Sheen! But the fact he wasn't high when he uttered the words "I'm an F-18, Bro" really only makes us more worried about his state of mind. It's not really the drugs as much as the behavior that is a concern. Smoke drugs all you want; just keep it off the airwaves. [Radar, Radar]
  • Natalie Portman wore a $50 recycled dress from H&M on the red carpet at a Vanity Fair party. This shocked everyone because it was not as wasteful and ludicrously expensive as possible. How dare Natalie Portman insult the vulgar opulence of the event with her sensible clothing. Go home and change into a Vera Wang gown made of endangered songbird feathers right this instant! [NYDN]
  • Famous General Hospital star James Franco is working on a weird art film with Kids scribe Harmony Korine which will climax in a "real and possibly bloody LA street-gang fight" with knives and real gang members and everything. Wow, so brave of them to film other people fighting. [P6]
  • People goes "inside Kelsey Grammer's emotional wedding." Grammar married Kayte Walsh Friday in New York: Grammer's La Cage aux Folles co-star Terry Lavell performed the ceremony and everyone was weeping. Probably because the weather was so crappy. It was seriously a monsoon on Friday! And Grammer's nine-year-old daughter skipped the wedding to be in a talent show. Sad. [People, Daily Mail]
  • Lil Wayne was stopped by federal agents at an airport in Miami this week and searched for contraband. But he was completely clean. They must have passed some new law where police can search Lil Wayne without a warrant? Makes sense, all things considered.. [TMZ]
  • Mila Kunis is the latest starlet to pick up a football player. She was spotted with Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers at an Oscar party. [P6]
  • Michael Lohan's son, Michael Lohan Jr. is changing his name to Michael Cameron because he's sick of being associated with his dad. But what about all the other hundreds (?) of "Michael Lohans" out there—do they all have to change their names? Seems like it would only be fair if Michael Lohan Sr. changed his name instead. He's the one being a dick. [TMZ]
  • Former Playboy model Shauna Sands wore clear plastic stripper heels on the beach while on a bikini—just, like, as regular shoes! [Daily Mail]
  • There are a bunch of parties after the Oscars hosted by famous people: Madonna, Demi Moore and James Franco are all having ragers. Obviously James Franco's will be best, because he's James Franco. Why even bother having any other parties? Franco will show up in a wig and perform weird electronic songs with his music partner, and he will flit around the world and seduce every woman and charm every man, then a real street gang will burst into knife-fighting in the middle of the room. [P6]

[Image via Getty]