
'You Can't Get There from Here': Nobody Knows Where Anything Is at the RNC

Mobutu Sese Seko · 08/28/12 05:40PM

If you don't know where you're going at the Republican National Convention, one of the things you notice first is that nobody else does either. The upside of this is that, once beyond the security cordon, you can do pretty much whatever you want, in an event surrounded by federal agents. The downside is that it's chaos.

Bad Days for Babies: A California Woman Tried to Steal a Newborn from a Hospital Just After a Florida Man Attempted to Trade a Baby for Food

Taylor Berman · 08/06/12 10:30PM

Garden Grove Medical Center employees thwarted a baby theft this weekend after Grisel Ramierez allegedly tried to walk out with a newborn girl she'd hidden in a tote bag. Ramierez had disguised herself in nurses' scrubs and led the newborn's mother to the bathroom, instructing her to shower before the doctor's examination. Once the mother left the room, Ramirez put the infant in her tote bag and was on her way out when the baby somehow set off an alarm after crossing an "imaginary line," which seems impossible if it was actually imaginary but, you know, technology is crazy these days.

Where Is the Woman Who Allegedly Had Hot Lesbian Sex With Florida's Lieutenant Governor in Her Office?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/17/12 11:10AM

Jennifer Carroll is Florida's Lieutenant Governor, second in command to the insane and unpopular Rick Scott. Carroll is one of the few nationally prominent black female Republicans. (She is also insane, but that's a topic for another day.) A former aide to Carroll says that she walked in on her in a sexually compromising position with Beatriz Ramos, Carroll's travel aide. So then—where is Beatriz Ramos?

Residents of the Florida Keys Battle Plan That Would Bombard Them With Mutant Mosquitoes

Taylor Berman · 07/11/12 08:31PM

If British scientists have their way, mutant mosquitoes will soon destroy the Florida Keys. Well, not exactly. But it's a possibility, or at least something to to think about, according to the 90,000 residents who have signed a petition. The genetically-modified mosquitoes are designed to resist the spread of Dengue fever, which is apparently a concern these days in the Keys.