
'Soft Bigotry' and the New Fight for Affirmative Action

Cord Jefferson · 11/09/12 12:00PM

In Florida this month, the state board of education approved one of the most controversial sets of educational achievement goals the country has seen in quite some time. In an effort to close the racial achievement gap that plagues much of America, the board decided to use that gap to set parameters for what it expects children of different races to achieve over the next six years. Breaking from George W. Bush's "No Child Left Behind," which demanded uniform achievement goals for all students in an effort to avoid "soft bigotry," Florida is now going to have racially stratified educational targets in math and reading. In other words, black children performing more poorly than white children won't just be tolerated, it will be the rule.

Miami Connection: So Bad It's Essential

Rich Juzwiak · 11/09/12 10:02AM

Great bad movies are fueled by their ridiculous details. Miami Connection's are stellar to the point of bonkers. This is not just a great bad movie — it's a phenomenal one. The 1987 pulp movie played only in Orlando and then after being avoided, was forgotten. But now it's being revived by Drafthouse, showing in theaters all over the country including New York's Landmark Sunshine tonight. For sheer singularity, it merits reconsideration.

Alanis Morissette Music Leads to Domestic Abuse Case in Florida

MTanzer · 10/16/12 10:57PM

A Jacksonville, Florida couple just got into some serious drama over Alanis Morissette's music: Allen Casey, 24, hit his 33-year-old boyfriend, Todd Fletcher, after Fletcher allegedly refused to listen to anything but the Canadian chanteuse. Only listening to Alanis Morissettte really takes remembering the 90's to a whole new level. And c'mon, how did Tori Amos not make the playlist at least once?

Floridians Want to Know: Is This Onion Article Real?

Max Read · 09/24/12 09:26AM

Does president Obama have a 19-year-old son? Most people would guess, correctly, that no, the most powerful and famous man on the planet does not have an adult son whom you've never seen, and any articles about it are clearly satire. Not Floridians, though. No — Floridians want to know if the Onion article they've been forwarded is real.