Following a judge's ruling allowing its release, prosecutors just made public testimony from an anonymous witness in the case of George Zimmerman — who shot and killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed 17-year-old, in February — as well as phone calls Zimmerman made from jail.

According to WFTV, the witness (known as "Witness 9") accuses Zimmerman of molesting her, and claims that Zimmerman's family is racist:

Witness No. 9 not only said that Zimmerman is a racist, but during an interview with investigators, she stated that Zimmerman molested her from the age of 6 on through her teenaged years, according to the documents.

The witness claims that Zimmerman's entire family is racist and said Zimmerman's mother made it clear she didn't like President Barack Obama because he is black.

WFTV's Daralene Jones tweeted excerpts from the documents:

The witness testimony is unlikely to be used in the trial, and Zimmerman's lawyer had argued that it shouldn't be made public.

[WFTV, image via AP]