
The Glorious Fast Track at Condé Nast

Jessica · 08/05/05 08:23AM

Tired of twiddling your thumbs and desperately wondering, How can I get my foot in the door at Condé Nast when I'm only a slightly attractive individual with average body fat? Well, young grasshoppers, it's easier than you think. One need simply spend several thousands of dollars to pursue a degree in journalism, and then fine glossies like Condé Nast Traveler will come knocking at your door with exotic, unpaid internship offers. From there, it's just a mere 6 or 7 years of indentured servitude until you're breaking the glass ceiling from your corner cubicle. And you thought j-school was a waste!

Remainders: Ankle Bracelets and Tapered Pants Just Don't Mix. Ever.

Jessica · 08/02/05 06:20PM

• Contrary to whatever you may read in the forthcoming 65-pound fall issue of Vogue, tapered pants are not hot this fall, especially when worn with an ankle bracelet. [A Socialite's Life]
• Classy perv outlet Nerve is looking for an editor. Benefits include lots of greasy-but-intellectual dildos. [Mediabistro]
• When the MTA does away with subway booth attendants, who loses? Why, the little old lady who doesn't know how to work the machine, that's who. [RedNova]
• At the risk of being prosecuted for insider trading, here's a hot tip: If you see a bum shitting on the IBM building, sell now. [Craigslist]
• Like it or not, Katie Couric may someday leave the Today show. Yes — it's true! [AHN]

You're Probably Overqualified

Jesse · 08/02/05 02:00PM

We'd normally feel a little pathetic, doing a second Craiglist post in one day. But patheticness is relative, and these folks win.

FoxNews.com Seeks Writers; Gawker Seeks Spies

Jesse · 08/02/05 10:20AM

An ad showed up on Craiglist yesterday that promises to make one of our dreams come true. (And, interestingly, said ad was not in the "casual encounters" section.)