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With its hottness quotient rising from "scorching" to "avert your D-list eyeballs before your corneas are instantly liquefied," it looks like the Roosevelt Hotel has turned to Craigslist to find reinforcements for its Tropicana Bar Entry Prevention Team:

A newly renovated Hotel in Hollywood is looking for full time experienced Security Agents with great customer service background. Must be flexible to work different shifts. Ability to write reports and have CPR/First Aid experience and background a plus. We offer full benefits and free parking. Please apply at 7000 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA or fax your resume at 323-xxx-xxxx

This recruitment drive also might have something to do with a brutal mugging we heard took place just outside the Roosevelt this weekend following producer Mike DeLuca's party there, after which a Paramount exec had to be hospitalized. Those CPR and first aid skills might come in handy for ugly incidents like this one, or just for the night-to-night maintenance of Courtney Love when she decides to party by the pool.