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An ad showed up on Craiglist yesterday that promises to make one of our dreams come true. (And, interestingly, said ad was not in the "casual encounters" section.)

Attention 2005 College Grads!

Do you have:
- A nose for the news?
- College newspaper or internship experience?
- A degree in Journalism, English or History?
- Enthusiasm and willingness to learn Fair & Balanced journalism?

If yes, then come work for the #1 news channel in America's website, FOXNEWS.COM.

Send resumes to

Our dream is not to work for, naturally. Our dream is to discover exactly how many eyes of newt and toes of frog go into the witch's brew that is Fair & Balanced journalism. (Incidentally, we love that "Fair & Balanced" is capped and ampersand'ed, acknowledging that it's a specific brand and not simply two descriptive adjectives.) Do all stories get a top-edit by the RNC? Must adjectives be plucked from a special DeLay's Thesaurus?

If you apply for this job, and if you get it, we'd love love love clandestine reports of the "learn Fair & Balanced journalism" process.

That is, if they allow you to communicate with the outside world while undergoing reeducation.

Attention 2005 College Grads! [Craiglist]