
NYT Readers Mystified By Hooker Pictures

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/08 04:29PM

Sedate national readers are so curious about Eliot Spitzer's sexy sex affair of illegal sex that the Times had to post a whole list of FAQ's about the story. Complete with answers! One of the most asinine questions is, "Why did The Times track down and identify 'Kristen,' the prostitute in the case?" Our answer would be, "Seriously?" But the Times, being a respectable news outlet, tells its curious old readers that the real answer is: because she's in the news. Well, why did they have to print a picture of her sexy sexiness, then?

Ashley Dupre, Hip Hop Star: The Complete Video

Pareene · 03/14/08 03:52PM

Attached, the full video for New York rapper Mysterious' "Pop Off." The fact that Spitzer-tryster and America's Escort Ashley Alexandra Dupre appears in the video is probably the best thing yet to happen to Mysterious' career. We've seen the making-of clips, here's the finished product. This scandal has produced so many potential hit songs! So click and watch the budget video ho who, it turned out, was a high-priced real ho work it.

'Kristen' In Girl-Near-Girl Video Action

Nick Denton · 03/14/08 01:35PM

High-class prostitutes are no different than any other women trying to get male attention. Here's Ashley Alexandra Dupré, the 22-year-old hooker who slept with Eliot Spitzer, putting on a free girl-on-girl dance show in a restaurant a few months ago. Ashley, known to the New York Governor and other clients as Kristen, is the girl on the left. Thanks, N, for the cameraphone clip. (Incidentally, this is a sign of a new era in trashy journalism. Ashley has left a much wider trail, in web pages, amateur music, and video footage, than characters in the sex scandals of earlier decades.)

PageSix.com Spitzer girl video could be its "firecrotch" moment

Nicholas Carlson · 03/14/08 12:40PM

Ever since TMZ.com ran its infamous "firecrotch" video — the one in which an oil-heir pal of Paris Hilton slagged Lindsay Lohan — the Time Warner-owned Hollywood gossip site has been on a pageviews tear. TMZ.com slaps News Corp.'s PageSix.com around every which way when it comes to visitor traffic. But TMZ doesn't have video of the walking, talking, leaning sensation that is Ashley Alexandra Dupré, now do they?

The Hooker Who Brought Down A Governor, In Video

Nick Denton · 03/14/08 10:48AM

Page Six has video of Ashley Alexandra Dupré, the escort who slept with Eliot Spitzer for $3,000 a session. The clip, raw footage from a music video shoot, is here; in the meantime, here are some highlights. In the final and most suggestive shot, Ashley, known to the New York Governor as Kristen, puts a bullet-proof vest on her hunky lover: protection that Spitzer, metaphorically, could have done with.

Press Desperate For Sexy Charges in Sex Scandal

Pareene · 03/14/08 10:23AM

The Times breathlessly reports today that Eliot Spitzer is under investigation for illegally using campaign funds for his illicit tryst with America's Whore, Ashley "Kristen" "Alexandra Dupre" Youmans. It's on Drudge! It's a scandal! Except it looks like bullshit! The hedging lede: "Federal prosecutors are investigating whether Gov. Eliot Spitzer used campaign funds in connection with his meetings with prostitutes, including payments for hotels or ground transportation, three people with knowledge of the investigation said." Which means maybe (just maybe! it's total speculation!) the multi-millionaire governor paid for Kristen's cab or room with an American Express card that might be connected to Spitzer 2010, his campaign committee. The rest of the story hinges on whether you believe that Spitzer's trips to to DC and Florida and Texas were for the express purpose of fucking whores and not testifying before Congress and attending fundraisers. We look forward to a federal case based on whether Spitzer's whore-lust drove his political appearances, or vice versa. Come on, America! Let's justify criminal prosecution based purely on our disgust with the man's moral reprehensibility by claiming it's a violation of the public trust! [NYT]

Meet Ashley Dupre's Supposed Pimp

Ryan Tate · 03/14/08 07:43AM

Remember Jason Itzler, the barely-repentant former pimp who explained to a stunned Anderson Cooper why some people pay $5,000 an hour for a hooker? Now he's claiming that, as he was taping the Anderson session, he realized that Eliot Spitzer's hooker Ashley Dupre used to work for him! He didn't say anything to Cooper at the time because he wasn't sure, and in fact he told the anchor of Dupre, "she is not a serious fashion model ... I don't know if her boobs are real or not." But when he got home and looked up Dupre's MySpace profile, Itzler realized he was right, and quickly finagled himself an appearance the next day on top-rated CNN show Larry King Live, where all of a sudden he could not say enough nice things about Dupre. Even credulous King looked like he didn't believe the guy, but if it turns out Itzler is lying and Dupre denies everything, he'll end up with a third day of free publicity for his matchmaking service, DNA Diamonds. Video after the jump.

Ashley Dupre Shacked Up With Celebrity, Drunken Club "Friends" Say

Ryan Tate · 03/14/08 02:01AM

Nightclub impresario Steve Lewis was out late at a club, and his friends kept talking about how they were friends with Eliot Spitzer's famous hooker, Ashley Dupre. One of them was even supposedly furiously text messaging with Dupre right in front of Lewis, and told Lewis that, before getting busted, the hooker took "vacations by private jet," "roll[ed] with P. Diddy's crew" and "was shacked up with someone else famous this past summer." She was always talking about her music career, and traveling to various cities to "work on my music" or meet up with a mysterious "partner." How is she feeling now?

Call Girl Will Probably Get Rich While The Wife Gets Blamed

Ryan Tate · 03/13/08 09:00PM

In America, when two adults have consensual sex, and the circumstances are just right, they give birth to a vibrant media subeconomy, and this is the continuing miracle of the story of disgraced Gov. Eliot Spitzer and admired prostitute Ashley Kristen Alexandra Nina Vanetta DiPietro Dupre. There is money, attention and even political opportunity swirling around Dupre, so of course Mayor Michael Bloomberg is on the scene, along with Laura Schlessinger. Here is a roundup of all the new and exciting things about "that whore chick:"

Is Ashley Dupre 32?

Pareene · 03/13/08 06:32PM

New York reports that "two separate public identification records reveal that the only Ashley Youmans (the real name of "Kristen," a.k.a Ashley Alexandra Dupré) from the Jersey Shore (or anywhere in New Jersey) is actually 32." As we briefly mentioned earlier, we got an email yesterday that said, without supporting evidence, that "Ashley is 32 not 22." One of the reasons we didn't alert everyone to this fact was that all her old high school classmates quoted in the Daily News and the Post were between 22 and 23. Was she held back ten years or does everyone in Jersey lie about their age? Also, her mom made a point of saying Dupre wasn't 32 (or 42). Is that suspicious? It is a mystery! [NYM]

Hooker's MySpace Returns To Calm Panicked Nation

Ryan Tate · 03/13/08 06:22PM

Kristen Ashley Youmans Four-Star Dupre's MySpace profile went down from roughly 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., which we know because it made the news and also we later got an email from someone saying "that whore chick's myspace profile is gone." Well, "that whore chick" is back online, her popularity probably just melted the MySpace servers and half the internet. So, no, she didn't abandon you like like Julia Allison. Why would she, she has a new song to sell, which she just put online today!

Chewed Up and Spitzed Out: How to Lose a Governor in 3 Days

Pareene · 03/13/08 02:44PM

A U.S. attorney announced the bust of The Emperors' Club last Thursday. We noted that the Duke of Westminster was allegedly linked, back in the day, but otherwise the story seemed mostly innocuous, as the only people named were in brothel management, not customers. Except to the Times reporters who realized that a government official was involved. They learned it was Spitzer by Friday, and they amazingly held on to that news until the following Monday, when they went live with it at 2 p.m. and immediately caused all sorts of media hell to break loose.

Facebook users waste no time making Eliot Spitzer escort groups

Jordan Golson · 03/13/08 02:20PM

There are already 13 Facebook groups about Ashley Alexandra Dupre, the object of New York governor Eliot Spitzer's paid-for affections. Some are supportive, some are complimentary, and some are ridiculous. Among the more amusing group names are "Ashley Alexandra Dupre is the next American Idol", "Ashley Alexandra Dupre (Ashley Youmans) was in my Class!" and "I don't care WHO or WHAT she did, Ashley Alexandra Dupre is effin gorgeous!!" And Facebook is worth $15 billion? Just sayin'. See the full list below.

Call girl beats Barenaked Ladies, Radiohead singer

Nicholas Carlson · 03/13/08 01:20PM

Sorry, Thom Yorke. it appears a critically acclaimed career as Radiohead's front man isn't enough to outsell Eliot Spitzer's call girl on the Web. Ashley Alexandra Dupré, also known as "Kristen," considers herself something of an R&B artist. She sells her music on Amie Street, a New York-based music site in which Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos took a personal interest and later had his company invest in. It sets its pricing based on the principles of supply and demand. The more a song sells, the faster its price rises. So when Amie Street flack Zane Groshelle confirmed that Dupré's single, "What We Want" rose to 98 cents "just as quickly if not more quickly" than Barenaked Ladies and Thom Yorke, the market's message is clear: She knows what we want.

Imagining The Top Five Films In Eliot Spitzer's Netflix Queue

Molly Friedman · 03/13/08 01:19PM

In case you hadn't heard, recently resigned NY governor Eliot Spitzer likes call girls. A lot. And while we're still busy casting the inevitable movie of the week, our slideshow-obsessed friends over at Us dove into their archives to reminisce on the hooker-laced pasts of Hugh Grant, Eddie Murphy and escort king Charlie Sheen, who've all been caught with their pants (and dignities) down. But call girls don't always come in the form of silicone sketchballs straight out of the Bada Bing. Sometimes they have hearts of gold and charisma as thick as the air on the 101! If they're played by stars, that is. We dove into our own archives and selected our top five films that revolve around the World's Oldest Profession, flicks that will surely be making their way onto Eliot Spitzer's Netflix queue in no time.

Dozens of Spitzer domain names snapped up

Jordan Golson · 03/13/08 12:00PM

In a modern-day gold rush, many Eliot Spitzer-related domains have been registered since the news broke about his involvement with pricey escort services. We're not sure how many of these are going to be worth anything in a few months when this is all over — but there's nothing we like more than a good scandal. Some of the best domains: spitzerforvp.com, spitzerisscrewed.com, spitzerperpwalk.com and, of course, spitzerswallows.com. Classy. Get the full list after the jump. (Photo by AP/Stephen Chernin)

Obama Ad Slogan Contest Winner

Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/08 10:55AM

After weighing the comments in response to our post yesterday, we've picked a winning slogan for the upcoming Virgin Mobile Canada ad featuring Barack Obama. As you'll recall, the company already cranked out a sexy Spitzer scandal ad, and Obama is the next man on their schedule. They certainly didn't ask for any input on the slogan, but we decided to give them some anyhow. From you, and for free! There's no better deal. Two runners up, the winner, and our email to Virgin Mobile Canada corporate communications (as promised), below.

America's Sweet-tart: All About Ashley Alexandra Dupre

Pareene · 03/13/08 10:40AM

Yesterday evening, we all met "Kristen", the adorable whore who accidentally destroyed the career of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer. Her (non-whoring, show biz) name: Ashley Alexandra Dupre. The New York Times tracked her down and even linked to her (still live, amazingly) MySpace page, so everyone in America immediately listened to her demo (she wants to be an R&B star!) and fell in love. Below, your roundup of internet minutiae and breaking life-destroying news about Ashley "Alexandra Dupre" "Kristen" Youmans-DiPietro. Her neighbors! Her high school photo! Even her new second hot R&B single! All after the jump!

All Silda's Fault

Nick Denton · 03/13/08 09:46AM

Here's proof that public radio broadcasts draw callers no less idiotic than the talk shows they so look down upon. This morning, on Brian Lehrer's show on WNYC, one Louise in Manhattan took a contrarian view of Governor Eliot Spitzer's call-girl habit: the disgraced politician's lust was not to blame. "Spitzer's wife is at fault. If he wanted kinky sex, it was her job to provide it. Denial of it was making him look outside. They should work these things out. They said in the Times that he's a difficult client, and likes to do unsafe things." Of course, Spitzer's unsafe "kink" was merely a reluctance to have sex with a condom; one of the few desires easier to satisfy within a committed relationship than without. But, thanks, Louise, for bringing some madcap fun to boring public radio: click thumb for the audio.