
Spitzer Squeezed Colbert In Just Before Career-Ending Whore Vacation

Pareene · 03/13/08 09:28AM

As Stephen Colbert revealed last night, Eliot Spitzer made his second appearance on The Colbert Report on February 12. Which would be the same day he called the Emperors' Club VIP to set up his date with "Kristen", and "just hours" before he traveled to Washington DC to testify before Congress and fuck the hooker who ended his career. He spoke with Colbert about Barack Obama's "trouble picking up working-class women" and his status as a superdelegate for Hillary. ("We have capes, we have leotards, we have special outfits that we wear.") The clip of the interview ("I love my job!") is after the jump. Someone should compare it to his post-whoring CNBC appearance and see if he looks more relaxed.

Fake Tumblr Of Eliot Spitzer's Paid Lady Friend Revealed!

Rebecca · 03/13/08 09:19AM

Less than 24 hours after the New York Times found "Kristen" (proving once again their reporting skills surpass our googling skills) there's already a fake tumblr for Ashley Alexandra Dupre. This adds a new element of sadness to the Eliot Spitzer saga: It's another fake Tumblr about Julia Allison. Plus, the writer steals another Gothamist photoshopped Spitzer pimp photo, and the most earnest blog in New York goes uncredited, again! Whoever is writing this needs a more engaging day job. [via Doree Chronicles]

Spitzer Numerology

Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/08 08:06AM

New York Lottery officials had to shut down betting on the number "871" on Tuesday, the Daily News reports. That's the number of Governor Spitzer's sexy hotel room, and wagers on it hit the maximum of $5 million. But it was loser; instead, "662" hit. Which is the year of the death of Christian theologian Maximus the Confessor—whose moniker describes what Eliot Spitzer was recently forced to do regarding his scandal. Read between the lines, gamblers!

Eliot Spitzer's call girl sings, sort of

Nicholas Carlson · 03/13/08 12:24AM

Eliot Spitzer's alleged call-girl — Ashley Alexandra Dupré, a.k.a "Kristen" — can sing. Whether she should? Less clear. Here's the single from her MySpace page, "What We Want."

"Men need to fuuu..."

Ryan Tate · 03/12/08 11:04PM

I meant "men need to be allowed to have feelings!" I wasn't going to say "fuck," I swear! Eliot Spitzer was looking for hot, kinky emotional freedom, you see.

Anderson Cooper Stunned By Cost Of Hookers These Days

Ryan Tate · 03/12/08 10:35PM

Coquettish Anderson Cooper of CNN sat down with a former pimp, who gently walked the delicate anchor through the process of making money as a high-priced hooker, and left Cooper floored over how much money can be made as a prostitute. The pimp told Cooper exactly how fun whoring can be for all involved, how high-class prostitution is not nearly as exploitive as low-rent sex, and how there's not much difference between $1,000-per-hour call girls vs. $4,000 per-hour call girls. When the discussion turned to money, the Coop got a little flustered: "That's a lot of money for, fuh... for an hour — uh, it surprised me." Anderson, everyone understands you have a job to do. There's no need to be embarrassed just because it sounds like you already knew something about hooker pricing. After all, it's not like you're keeping some big sexual secret from the world. Video after the jump.

Daily Show Finally Unloads On Spitzer

Ryan Tate · 03/12/08 10:07PM

The late-breaking news about now former Gov. Eliot Spitzer's sex scandal caught the Daily Show and some of its late-night compatriots short of jokes, and Daily Show host Jon Stewart admitted as much on Monday night's show, when he had to cut from a few brief Spitzer jokes to a package on Wyoming's Democratic primary. One night later, the political comedy show was ready to feast on the news, as shown in the thumbnail at left. The result lacked the impressive same-day turnaround of David Letterman's Monday night performance, but had its moments, as show in the excerpt after the jump.

Kristen: The Definitive Gallery

Ryan Tate · 03/12/08 07:32PM

We've assembled a gallery of the 18 known pictures of Eliot Spitzer's high-priced hooker Ashley Youmans, aka Ashley Alexandra Dupre, plus (after the jump) a gallery of two possible pictures of Youmans. Youmans has not yet closed off or deleted her MySpace page, despite giving an interview to the Times and rapidly having her name spread throughout the internet. Something tells us the aspiring musician is not entirely minding all the attention. At the moment, these shots come from her music store and MySpace page. We'll keep this gallery updated as new photos emerge, as they surely will.

Governor's sex scandal may jump start call girl's singing career

Evelyn Nussenbaum · 03/12/08 06:37PM

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's downfall could be a good thing for the girl who serviced him. Ashley Alexandra Dupré, known to Spitzer as "Kristen, has put her songs on Amie Street, a startup that prices songs according to their popularity, were free this morning. Now they're up to 37 cents each. It's unlikely they'll hit $5,000 a pop, but it's good to know market forces play as much a role in her future career as in her old one. [SAI]

The Five Most Obnoxious Grave-Dances By Spitzer Critics

Pareene · 03/12/08 06:14PM

Eliot Spitzer is dead and buried. He just promised to never involve himself in public life again, everyone in America knows he's been fucking prostitutes for a decade, we forced our apology from him and now we just hope he'll go way so we can meet our awesome new blind governor. But some people, people who never liked that Spitzer character, are so thrilled about this turn of events that they've become utterly insufferable. Spitzer is a fucking idiot and moral failure. But honestly, some of you are a bit too excited.

Alleged Spitzer escort's MySpace page

Nicholas Carlson · 03/12/08 05:38PM

Click to viewMeet Ashley Alexandra Dupré, the prostitute known as "Kristen" New York governor Eliot Spitzer reportedly visited as Client 9. She's an aspiring R&B singer from Long Island, the New York Times reports. Her MySpace page and photos, below.

The 'Times' Found 'Kristen'!

Pareene · 03/12/08 05:28PM

The New York Times was the first to track down "Kristen", the high-class prostitute whose two hours with former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer ended his career. Her real name: Ashley Youmans, aka Ashley Alexandra Dupre. She's 22, she's from Jersey, and she's newly single. Her MySpace profile is still live, if you'd like to listen to her demo. Or check out her top five! The kind-of insane Times story pretty clearly just went live because they knew their scoop wouldn't last. It summarizes her MySpace bio, quotes her talking about how she saw the Rolling Stones, and criticizes her demo song's "dated slang." And that's about it for news. But still, good show! Ashley's blog entry from Thursday, August 30 is full of awesome advice, so we will reprint it, below.

James Del · 03/12/08 05:19PM

Apparently, the difference between a $3,000 hooker and a $50 hooker is the ruined aspirations. "Kristen's" Myspace page, as uncovered by NYT. She's got a decent voice, $50 bucks says Perez Hilton signs her to his new label deal before summer.

No One Gets Out Clean

Rebecca · 03/12/08 05:12PM

Talk about a reversal of fortunes! Instead of reblogging the New York Post's content, today Gothamist had its content lifted by the Post. The paper ran a Gothamist photoshopped picture of Eliot Spitzer without crediting the site. You may think, How sad, New York Post, stealing from a web site. Or how sad, Gothamist, crowing that the New York Post stole from you. Or even, how sad, Gawker, caring about any of this. But one thing is for sure, this Eliot Spitzer scandal has left blood on all our hands.

Wow, Quick

Hamilton Nolan · 03/12/08 04:27PM

In record time, the Spitzer "Client #9" scandal has been turned into an ad for Virgin Mobile in Canada [click to enlarge]. Another ad in the series shows Hillary Clinton with a thought bubble saying "I wish my bill wasn't so out of control." Hey, only blogs are allowed to make sex jokes that blatant. The next ad up in the series will reportedly be Barack Obama—what trite slogan will they come up with for him? Ideas in the comments. We'll send the best one to Virgin Mobile, to be ignored. [Marketing Magazine via Dealbreaker]

Spitzer to Blame for Everyone's Problems

Pareene · 03/12/08 12:28PM

The fact that Hillary Clinton's promised presidency did not arrive signed, sealed, and delivered by winged courier, and that her triumphant march back to her rightful home in the White House has been sidetracked, is apparently Eliot Spitzer's fault. Because Hillary "tripped up" in her response to a question about Spitzer's plan to give licenses to illegal immigrants. "Her advisers pinpoint that inartful two-minute answer as the moment when the race turned." Obviously! That one bad answer about the actions of a supporter back in October is clearly the source from which all of her subsequent problems have flowed. Also then Spitzer fucked some whores, for ten years. [WP]

Dress Your Family In Navy And Despair

Richard Lawson · 03/12/08 11:39AM

[Eliot Spitzer, who used to be the governor of New York but then got a blowjob or something, and wife Silda at his resignation press conference today; image via AP]