Nightclub impresario Steve Lewis was out late at a club, and his friends kept talking about how they were friends with Eliot Spitzer's famous hooker, Ashley Dupre. One of them was even supposedly furiously text messaging with Dupre right in front of Lewis, and told Lewis that, before getting busted, the hooker took "vacations by private jet," "roll[ed] with P. Diddy's crew" and "was shacked up with someone else famous this past summer." She was always talking about her music career, and traveling to various cities to "work on my music" or meet up with a mysterious "partner." How is she feeling now?

So my friend who was texting her showed me a message or three. They spoke of finding out what she would be charged with this week and how worried and scared she was. She was in disbelief over this mess she was in, and she knows she's in a mess. I was allowed one question, so I asked it. "Does she have a good lawyer?"

"Yes," she answered.

Less surprising stories: Dupre had a "killer body" and used to hang out with "ballers." When she went to St. Tropez, she was on a boat with someone else, probably another guy, partially visible in the MySpace photo at left.

"When around, she would be texting endlessly, looking to hang, then she'd be gone... Bubbly, not too bright, but lots of fun, with a million get rich ideas...a book, a concierge service, at 22 she has ambitions.... There was talk of a boyfriend seriously into meth and her stint in a rehab program and words tattooed on her body to keep her straight. "

All this information emerged after "3 Pink Vodka and Sodas," in a nightclub, and is delivered by Lewis secondhand, so it's basically ironclad. Lewis needs to keep drinking with his friends, and blogging, so we can all find out who the famous boyfriend/roomate was.

[Steve Lewis]