
New York's Star Call Girl Was A Joe Francis Favorite On The 'Girls Gone Wild' Party Bus Long Before SpitzerGate

Molly Friedman · 03/19/08 05:48PM

It's not breaking news that boinking a politician can really boost a call girl's career, but Eliot Spitzer's speed dial favorite Ashley Dupre is sure milking her fifteen minutes for all they're worth (and, apparently, they're worth a lot). Ashley, aka "Kristen," has gone from cokehead hooker to pop star and potential Penthouse pet in under a week, and it was only a matter of time before Girls Gone Wild parolee Joe Francis dug his grubby claws into her newfound fame. After recently offering Dupre $1 million to ride along on one of his pervy bus tours and getting denied, the annoyingly clever Francis dipped into his sticky archives and managed to dig out five-year old footage of none other than Ashley herself. To see how Ashley partied at 17, check out our clip, via TMZ, after the jump.

Ashley Alexandra Dupre And Scott Storch: Separated At Birth?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/19/08 11:30AM

Upon close examination of the latest evidence, Eliot Spitzer's overpriced call girl Ashley Alexandra Dupre appears to in fact be twins with—or possibly the same person as—overpriced hip hop producer Scott Storch. Have you ever seen them in the same place together at the same time? We haven't. Just think about it. The visuals really make the case; after the jump, a photographic lineup that says more than words ever could.

Even Filthy French Shocked By Spitzer

Ryan Tate · 03/19/08 05:10AM

"A French-born New Yorker who is a headhunter for Luxe Avenue, Laurent Guerrier, said Mr. Spitzer's scandal would be in a class by itself on either side of the Atlantic. 'The Spitzer case is a deep problem because the guy was seen as Mr. Clean and was supposed to use his position to enforce against prostitution,' Mr. Guerrier said yesterday. 'In a similar situation in France, it would have been a big thing also.'" [NY Sun]

Hooker's Lesbian Porno Is Her Last Good Video, Says Girls Gone Wild

Ryan Tate · 03/18/08 09:37PM

After offering Eliot Spitzer hooker Ashley Dupre $1 million to pose for a nude video, Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis discovered he already had nude video of Dupre, and now says it will be the final word on the ex-prostitute because "I got to her before Spitzer - she looked a lot better at 18." Francis told the Post he filmed Dupre "in girl-on-girl action" after she was thrown out of a Miami Beach hotel during spring break and took refuge on Francis' party bus. Dupre's celebrity is allegedly about to end, according to the Post — sales of her song have dried up and traffic to her MySpace page has slowed. An attorney who represents a different hooker said it might be too late for her to cash in. Really? Somehow it seems unlikely all porn, book and "butt girl" opportunities have passed Dupre by. The Post, for example, appears to have more than a little faith in the call girl's popularity: the tabloid assembled an eight-page Girls Gone Wild Dupre photo gallery, plus a four-page gallery of Dupre clubbing. A representative photo from each is after the jump.

Whoring Expert Deported When We Need Him Most

Ryan Tate · 03/18/08 07:44PM

British dandy Sebastian Horsley is an expert on both whoring and crucifixion, so his planned book party Wednesday night was perfectly timed for a city that has been talking about the former and practicing the latter with abandon over the past week. But the Department of Homeland Security apparently failed to grasp the reformed junkie's critical importance to our increasingly debauched economy, so agents detained him at JFK and sent him "back to London on the next plane," according to an emailer. "Apparently the INS guys at JFK knew ALL about Sebastian's ropey past. SH says he has never been arrested for anything (amazing considering his life). This is SH's first (and probably last) visit to the US. HarperCollins are hysterical." It makes sense the publisher would be panicked — about an hour before Horsley's deportation, HarperCollins distributed an invitation to the planned book party. It's reprinted after the jump, where you'll also find a more-relevant-than-ever video excerpt from "The Sebastian Horsley Guide to Whoring."

Ashley Dupre Cash-in Roundup

Rebecca · 03/18/08 05:05PM

Since resigning, all we've seen of Eliot Spitzer is the underside of his collar. His paid lady friend, though, is everywhere. Or at least, as usual, people would like to pay her vast amounts of money to be everywhere.

New Guv Already Has Sex Scandal

Ryan Tate · 03/17/08 09:23PM

New York's new governor David Paterson apparently decided to just get his sex scandal over with right at the start of his administration, so he told the Daily News all about his two-to-three-year affair with another woman in an interview published tonight, less than 24 hours after Paterson took power. His wife admitted seeing someone too, and both affairs came during a rough patch in the marriage several years ago. David Paterson's affair comes of course after his predecessor Eliot Spitzer was brought down after being caught whoring by the Feds and amid alleged new details of ex-New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey's sexual exploits while married. Paterson's affair is easily the saddest of the bunch thanks to the following detail:

STV · 03/17/08 04:17PM

While we stand by our casting choices for the inevitable movie version of the Eliot Spitzer debacle, Hollywood Reporter columnist Ray Richmond has his own bright ideas. Lots of them, in fact: he's got a feature starring Kevin Spacey as the disgraced New York governor; a network TV movie featuring Meg Ryan as Silda Wall Spitzer; a Comedy Central film with Sarah Silverman as high-priced hooker "Kristen"; and the one we're personally rooting for, a BET biopic of lieutenant governor David Paterson starring LeVar Burton. "Synopsis: A film about The Man Who Would Be Governor," Richmond writes, "one that embodies the slogan, 'When life hands you a New York governorship, make New York governorship-ade.' " Throw in Burton's stylish Geordi La Forge eyewear from Star Trek: The Next Generation for the legally blind governor, and we'll even donate our next month's pay to the production budget. At least that should cover the props. [Past Deadline]

From Mediocrity To Fame: A Viral Success Story

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/08 03:07PM

When Virgin Mobile in Canada put out an ad with a Spitzer Sex Scandal theme just a day after the story broke, it was impressive. But any further Spitzer-themed ads that came to our attention after that just seemed derivative. Unless they managed to get themselves rejected by major media outlets for bad taste! Then, that would be a story. It's a strange situation when the marketing of an advertisement is far more clever than the ad itself, but that's what happened in the case of this ad from Scotch whisky brand The Balvenie. And here's why we're telling you this weird story at all:

CNN's blow-by-blow of Spitzer girl's MySpace and Facebook profiles

Nicholas Carlson · 03/17/08 02:20PM

Mallory Simon works for "the most trusted name in news." But she's working hard to make CNN also the most trusted name in news feeds. Simon gives CNN.com readers every detail of when and how Eliot Spitzer's call girl, Ashley Alexandra Dupré, changed her MySpace and Facebook profiles last week. But at 1,000-plus words, Simon overstays her welcome. Instead of paying writers by the word, why don't we pay them to leave? The 100-word version, below.

The Spitzer Effect

Nick Denton · 03/17/08 09:42AM

The fall of Eliot Spitzer, the zealous crusader who relaxed with high-priced hookers, has scrambled the propriety of New York's media institutions. Not only was the staid New York Times first to publish the identity of Spitzer's escort; the latest cover of Adam Moss' usually high-minded New York Magazine is borrowed from the more provocative playbook of Spy or Radar.

Nation Of Whores

Ryan Tate · 03/17/08 04:21AM

"They are three young women practicing the 21st-century version of the oldest profession, inhabitants of the secret world of the high-priced call girl that was thrust into the spotlight last week ... they provide a glimpse into the prostitution industry, a sprawling and rapidly growing underground universe that in the last decade has almost wholly migrated online." [NYT]

How Threesomes Started, Ended for New Jersey Guv

Ryan Tate · 03/16/08 11:04PM

The New York Post dug into the alleged threesomes involving former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey, his wife and their male driver and found, not surprisingly, that gay guv was more into the three-ways than his wife. He enjoyed them so much, in fact, that he invited the driver on a romantic getaway where McGreevey planned to propose to his then-girlfriend. (The girlfriend, who later married McGreevey, got really pissed and disinvited the driver.) The driver now has a girlfriend "of several years" and has not disclosed any contact between himself and the governor during the threesomes. But it appears the governor was not left out of the action. The driver told the Post: "He liked watching me, and she would watch me while she was [performing sex acts] with Jim." The whole thing started one fateful night, when McGreevey was mayor of Woodbridge, NJ, and the tale is maybe vaguely hot, at least by New Jersey standards:

Threesome With New Jersey Guv Out-Trashes Spitzer Scandal

Ryan Tate · 03/16/08 09:50PM

New Jersey WILL NOT be out-trashed by New York, so a former driver has announced that not only did ex-Garden State Gov. Jim McGreevey have a gay lover, but also the governor's wife joined in on three-ways with the driver on many Friday nights from 1999 to 2001. The encounters would usually start with dinner at TGI Friday's — classy! — followed by sex between the driver and the wife at McGreevey's condo. They were known to all involved as "Friday Night Specials." From the Star-Ledger's story: "[Driver Theodore] Pedersen did not say if he was gay or bisexual and only described having contact with [Dina] Matos McGreevey during the trysts. He also said he never knew for sure if McGreevey was gay." McGreevey did not marry his wife until 2000, so the aide is saying the three-ways belie her claim to have been duped about her husband's sexuality. (Also, McGreevey was not elected governor until 2001, so the driver may not have been a driver at the time of the three-ways.) The aide's allegations are coming as Jim and Dina Matos McGreevey are battling over custody of their daughter. After the jump, video of Dina Matos McGreevey lending moral support to the wife of very-soon-to-be-former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, whose own cheating now seems just a little bit more tame.

Ashley Dupre makes $204,000 from Web music sales

Nicholas Carlson · 03/15/08 06:26PM

Ashley Alexandra Dupré, the call girl whom Eliot Spitzer knew as "Kristen," sold her song 300,000 times on online music store Amie Street. The site, a Jeff Bezos investment, sold the songs for $0.68 on average, putting Dupré's total around $204,000, the New York Post reports. Update: Amie Street's charts indicate Dupré's songs have been merely listened to 419,718 times, suggesting the Post's numbers might be off a bit. Either way, throw in a $1 million offer from Hustler, an ad campaign for something to be called Vodka #9 and a movie deal, and Dupré stands to make between $2.5 million to $5 million from the Spitzer scandal.

How not to hit on a hooker

Nicholas Carlson · 03/15/08 05:34PM

"No worries hang in there...i single if your interested." — Mike Marra, commenter on Ashley Dupré's Facebook wall, indicating why some women might prefer $4,300 dates to old-fashioned romance.

New York 'Post' Has Best Week Ever

Pareene · 03/14/08 05:09PM

From moral outrage to "here is a picture of a topless hooker" in three days. Kudos, New York Post. A grateful nation salutes you.