Here's proof that public radio broadcasts draw callers no less idiotic than the talk shows they so look down upon. This morning, on Brian Lehrer's show on WNYC, one Louise in Manhattan took a contrarian view of Governor Eliot Spitzer's call-girl habit: the disgraced politician's lust was not to blame. "Spitzer's wife is at fault. If he wanted kinky sex, it was her job to provide it. Denial of it was making him look outside. They should work these things out. They said in the Times that he's a difficult client, and likes to do unsafe things." Of course, Spitzer's unsafe "kink" was merely a reluctance to have sex with a condom; one of the few desires easier to satisfy within a committed relationship than without. But, thanks, Louise, for bringing some madcap fun to boring public radio: click thumb for the audio.