Remember Jason Itzler, the barely-repentant former pimp who explained to a stunned Anderson Cooper why some people pay $5,000 an hour for a hooker? Now he's claiming that, as he was taping the Anderson session, he realized that Eliot Spitzer's hooker Ashley Dupre used to work for him! He didn't say anything to Cooper at the time because he wasn't sure, and in fact he told the anchor of Dupre, "she is not a serious fashion model ... I don't know if her boobs are real or not." But when he got home and looked up Dupre's MySpace profile, Itzler realized he was right, and quickly finagled himself an appearance the next day on top-rated CNN show Larry King Live, where all of a sudden he could not say enough nice things about Dupre. Even credulous King looked like he didn't believe the guy, but if it turns out Itzler is lying and Dupre denies everything, he'll end up with a third day of free publicity for his matchmaking service, DNA Diamonds. Video after the jump.