
Donald Trump Points Out the Single Black Person At His Rally

Jordan Sargent · 06/03/16 05:20PM

Today in Redding, Calif. Donald Trump rambled, as he does, about the tenor of his campaign. He was responding to the intense rioting between protestors and his supporters that took place in San Jose last night. In the middle of his nearly endless spiel, Trump began talking about an incident that happened in Tucson in March, in which protestors wearing white KKK hoods were beaten by a black member of the crowd.

Yep, Everything Checks Out

Ashley Feinberg · 06/02/16 05:47PM

According to these vague, unlabeled charts retweeted by Donald Trump just minutes ago, we are at a record 4.4 in money printing.

Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy Plan: Donald Trump Is a Crazy Person

Andy Cush · 06/02/16 03:15PM

In a speech that was ostensibly about foreign policy given this afternoon in San Diego, Hillary Clinton’s main point of focus was not on America’s allies and enemies abroad, but her own enemy at home, Donald Trump. “Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different, they are dangerously incoherent,” she told the crowd. “They’re not even really ideas—just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies.”

Bill Kristol's President Pick Is a Hot-Taking Blogger Who Loves World of Warcraft and Hates SJWs

Andy Cush · 06/01/16 02:25PM

Yesterday, the identity of Bill Kristol’s mythical Trump-beating independent presidential candidate was revealed as the Iraqi Freedom veteran, constitutional lawyer, and National Review writer David A. French. Never heard of him? Neither had I, so I spent the morning going through his byline, and found some other lines he might add to his resume, such as: Gamergate supporter, lover of nukes, hater of feminism, record-holder for most uses of the term “sexual revolution” when describing his fear of gay and trans people, and, by his own accounting, man who has no realistic chance of becoming president.