Donald Trump Calls "Hater" Judge's Mexican Background "an Inherent Conflict of Interest"

In a recent interview, Republican nominee Donald Trump called the “Mexican heritage” of the federal judge overseeing the Trump University lawsuit “an absolute” conflict of interest, The Wall Street Journal reports.
“I’m building a wall,” Trump, who has previously claimed to both love and be loved by Hispanics, told the Journal. “It’s an inherent conflict of interest.”
In February, Trump suggested that Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who was born in Indiana, has treated him unfairly due to the judge’s “Spanish” background. On Friday, Trump made his accusation even more explicit, calling Curial “negative,” a “hater” and a “Mexican, which is great.”
In the wake of his transparently racial comments, the RNC’s head of Hispanic relations, who sides say had already expressed discomfort with working for Trump, resigned.
Asked how Judge Curiel is handling Trump’s attacks, older brother Raul Curiel told the Journal, “He’s taking it pretty much in stride.”