[There was a video here]

Today in Redding, Calif. Donald Trump rambled, as he does, about the tenor of his campaign. He was responding to the intense rioting between protestors and his supporters that took place in San Jose last night. In the middle of his nearly endless spiel, Trump began talking about an incident that happened in Tucson in March, in which protestors wearing white KKK hoods were beaten by a black member of the crowd.

While reciting this anecdote, Trump further breaks off to wonder about how that man is doing. In the process of that tangent, he (presumably) points out a different black person in this particular crowd, which produces yet another jaw-dropping moment in the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump:

Look at my African American over here! Look at him. Are you the greatest? You know what I’m talking about?

Is it worse that there’s only one black person at this Donald Trump rally, or that Trump referred to him as “my African American?”

Here’s a longer video for more context: