Photo: AP

According to projections by CNN and the Associated Press, Hillary Clinton will win Sunday’s Democratic primary in Puerto Rico, leaving her less than 30 pledged delegates and superdelegates away from the 2,383 she needs to clinch the nomination.

This weekend, rival Bernie Sanders said that he “absolutely” believed July’s Democratic National Convention will be contested, an outcome only possible if manages to recruit several hundred of Clinton’s unbound superdelegates by next month.

Despite his remarks, Clinton said she hoped Sanders would join her in trying to “unify” the party after Tuesday’s primaries, where 694 pledged delegates will be awarded.

“After Tuesday, I’m going to do everything I can to reach out, to try to unify the Democratic Party, and I expect Senator Sanders to do the same,” Clinton told CNN on Saturday. “And we will come together and be prepared to go to the convention in a unified way, to make our case, to leave the convention, to go into the general election to defeat Donald Trump.”