
Etch A Sketch Gets Romney Bump

Louis Peitzman · 03/24/12 09:15AM

It's been a bad week for Mitt Romney and a good week for Ohio Art: the latter produces the popular toy Etch A Sketch, which got a helping hand from the Romney campaign. On Wednesday, Romney strategist Eric Fehmstrom made an unfortunate analogy when asked about his candidate's ever-changing policy positions.

John McCain on 2012 Presidential Race: Ooh, That's Nasty

Louis Peitzman · 03/18/12 02:31PM

John McCain knows a thing or two about nasty. Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, he reflected on the current campaigns for a Republican presidential candidate to face off against Obama in November. Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich have all been criticized for waging war against each other in the form of attack ads in key primary states.

Here's Video of the Two Men Kissing at a Santorum Rally

Louis Peitzman · 03/18/12 01:25PM

Non-hateful people everywhere were delighted yesterday by the story of two gay men kissing in protest at a Santorum rally. Now we have video of the event, which is regrettably sandwiched between Santorum's speech and the crowd chanting "U-S-A" as the protesters exit the gym. The interruption begins around 3:30, and the kiss follows shortly thereafter. You can now view a shorter version of the video that cuts through much of the bullshit.

Crowd at Santorum Rally Horrified When Two Dudes Kiss Each Other

Louis Peitzman · 03/17/12 01:04PM

Santorum's virgin eyes have been tarnished by sin — as a protest against the Republican presidential candidate's vehemently anti-gay policies, two men got the attention of the crowd at an Illinois rally and kissed each other. Guards removed the men from the gym as the crowd chanted "U-S-A." Because nothing is more American than repression.

Romney and Gingrich Let Santorum Win Kansas

Louis Peitzman · 03/10/12 03:50PM

It's Rick Santorum's turn to win a caucus, and he is close to doing that in Kansas. Granted, this process of selecting a Republican presidential candidate is not a turn-based system, but in this case, Santorum does owe his competitors a debt of gratitude for giving him a big leg-up.

Why We're Talking About Barack Obama and Derrick Bell Now

John Cook · 03/08/12 06:32PM

So Andrew Breitbart's belated death-rattle made its debut last night, and here's what it is: Barack Obama, in 1990, gave a speech saying nice things about a bad man named Derrick Bell. He also hugged the bad man, Derrick Bell. Ipso facto reduction ad absurdum habeas corpus hocus pocus, Barack Obama is a bad man as well. Airtight.

Listen to the Latest Crazy Gay-Hating Santorum Robocall

John Cook · 03/06/12 04:09PM

Did you know that Mitt Romney is a homo-loving pro-gay fetishist who wants your children to be taught by cross-dressing gay soldiers? That's the upshot of a bizarre new pro- Santorum robocall going out to Ohio voters today.

Rick Santorum's Wikileaks

John Cook · 03/06/12 03:04PM

Catholic scold Rick Santorum thinks Julian Assange is a "terrorist"—and ought to be prosecuted as such—for his role in releasing thousands of pages of classified documents on the internet. He ought to know: In 2006, Sen. Rick Santorum literally forced the U.S. government to dump thousands of pages of classified records concerning Iraq onto the web, including detailed plans for building a nuclear weapon, so that right-wing bloggers could search them for evidence of Saddam Hussein's phantom WMD.

Republican Nominees Distance Themselves From Rush Limbaugh

Louis Peitzman · 03/04/12 11:00AM

Yesterday — in the wake of losing several sponsors — Rush Limbaugh apologized for calling law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute." Fluke had the audacity to argue in front of Congress that her employer's health care coverage should cover her birth control. Since Limbaugh made his apology, notable Republicans have stepped forward to agree that Limbaugh's comments were out of line, and that the conservative talk show host does not speak for the Republican party as a whole.

Santorum Remains Very Concerned About How You Raise Your Family

Louis Peitzman · 03/03/12 03:55PM

Campaigning in Ohio, Rick Santorum has kept his focus firmly on family values as opponent Mitt Romney concentrates on the economy. Santorum's biggest concern: families without one father and one mother. (He didn't actually adress gay families in his speech, but you can probably guess how he feels about that.)