
Ron Paul to Santorum: "WTF?"

Louis Peitzman · 02/26/12 09:52AM

Yesterday, Republican maybe-frontrunner Rick Santorum made minor waves by repeating allegations that his opponents Mitt Romney and Ron Paul were in cahoots.

Mitt Romney Is Just Like You, People Who Own Multiple Cadillacs

Louis Peitzman · 02/25/12 02:07PM

Self-proclaimed "car guy" Mitt Romney accidentally outed himself as being super rich at Ford Field in Detroit. (Detroit: good place to advertise love of cars, bad place to advertise excessive wealth.) Turns out he and his wife drive multiple cars, which — while not surprising — doesn't help with the accusation that he is out of touch with the common man. USA Today brings us some analysis of the damage done by Romney's car tally.

Rick Santorum Made Entirely of Gay Porn

Brian Moylan · 02/21/12 05:39PM

We've seen a Santorum campaign poster made out of (fake) Santorum, but this newest portrait of one of the crackpots who might be the Republican nominee for President (crazier things have happened) will get you a little bit more, um, excited. It's a picture of Rick Santorum made entirely out of gay porn.

Is Romney Conservative Enough for Sarah Palin?

Louis Peitzman · 02/12/12 11:43AM

Everyone's favorite pundit and reality star Sarah Palin has yet to endorse a Republican presidential candidate. (But Sarah, there are so many great options to choose from.) The Washington Times has an article about Palin's appearance on Fox News Sunday, where she (predictably) pondered the question of Romney's conservatism.

Ron Paul Aims to Keep Screwing With Romney

Louis Peitzman · 02/11/12 04:46PM

Can we always call him "feisty Ron Paul" the way Steve Peoples of the Associated Press does? In an AP article republished by MSNBC, Paul reflects on his chances in Maine, which he believes are good. Romney can probably stand to lose another one of these caucuses, right? And a Paul win would bring his name back into the discussion, as we cycle between the final four unelectable Republican presidential candidates.

Romney Campaign Attacks Santorum For Polar Bear And Comfy Seat Earmarks

Noah Garfinkel · 02/06/12 07:45PM

Fearful that Santorum might do better than expected in some upcoming primaries, the Romney campaign is sending out surrogates to attack the former senator's conservative credentials. The thing is, though... they're attacking him for trying to fund things that sound really nice and pleasant. And fluffy. The Huffington Post reports that Romney supporter Tim Pawlenty participated in a conference call today.

The Old GOP Debate Moment Nobody Talks About: Ron Paul's Claw Hand

Noah Garfinkel · 02/06/12 06:55PM

There are the GOP debate moments everyone talks about and we all remember: Romney's $10,000 bet, Newt being indignant about a Juan Williams question, Romney saying "I'm running for office for Pete's sake," Newt being indignant about a John King question, Cain introducing us to 9-9-9, Newt being indignant about a Chris Wallace Question, etc. Then, there is perhaps the most well known debate moment, Rick Perry's "Oops." But, lost among these is something very important that Ron Paul did. Fortunately — or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it — Ron Paul's moment has been completely overlooked because it happened during Rick Perry's famous "Oops" moment. What did Ron Paul do? He held up his hand like a claw and said "Five." Remember? Watch his creepy claw hand.

Santorum Would Like to Remind You That He's Still Running

Louis Peitzman · 02/05/12 02:04PM

Earlier today I posted about Romney's win in the Nevada caucus yesterday, with nary a mention of completely legitimate presidential candidate Rick Santorum. But Santorum, despite coming in fourth behind Romney, Gingrich, and Ron Paul, has some strong words for us: "This race is a long, long way from being over."

Romney Wins Nevada Caucus, Obviously

Louis Peitzman · 02/05/12 09:51AM

Sorry, Newt, but we all saw this coming — Mitt Romney won the Nevada caucus on Saturday, further establishing his position as Republican frontrunner and thorn in Gingrich's side. But rather than focus on the man he's been debating, Romney took some jabs at Obama.

Romney Poised for Second Consecutive Win, Not That Gingrich Cares

Louis Peitzman · 02/04/12 11:35AM

Once again, Mitt Romney has a significant lead in a Republican caucus — this time in the Mormon-heavy state of Nevada. CNN reports that the Republican frontrunner is well ahead of his opponents, which should come as no surprise to those who remember Romney's showing in 2008. (He's big in Nevada.)

Mitt Romney: 'I'm Not Concerned About the Very Poor'

Leah Beckmann · 02/01/12 09:55AM

Mitt Romney appeared on CNN's Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien this morning to gloat over yesterday's win in Florida and instead told her he doesn't care about poor people. Romney said his "current focus is not on the poor" as "we have a safety net there," and he instead plans to focus on all those suffering members of the middle-class.

Twitter Has Some Suggestions For Mitt Romney's New Secret Service Code Name

Nell Jensen · 02/01/12 12:00AM

Well isn't Mitt Romney just a lucky boy tonight: his campaign told ABC News that he will begin receiving Secret Service protection this week "because of the increase in crowd sizes" at his campaign events. Presumably this calculus was made before Mitt Romney decided he would start erupting into song during his stump speech? Anyhow, Twitter is absolutely piddling itself with excitement trying to come up with code names that the Secret Service might consider using for Mitt Romney. Here are a few of 'em in no particular order: