
Swing States Are Swinging Toward Obama

Louis Peitzman · 04/22/12 10:50AM

Unemployment is down in swing states, which means support for Barack Obama is up. Recent polls show the president has an advantage over Republican candidate Mitt Romney. And it's still the economy, stupid.

Romney and Bibi: Middle East Policy By Two Best Buds Walkie-Talkiing After Bedtime

Mobutu Sese Seko · 04/17/12 02:38PM

Two Sundays ago, the New York Times ran an article about Mitt Romney and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The two have known each other for about 35 years. They went through Boston Consulting Group's "boot camp" together. They "can almost speak in shorthand." They finish each other's sentences and once accidentally ate from opposite ends of the same long strand of spaghetti. Their lives are an endless geopolitical meet-cute: Romney wants to run the nuclear big-box store of the United States, but he has enough love in his heart that he'd never crush the beautiful Middle Eastern shop around the corner.

Rick Santorum Drops Out of Race

Emma Carmichael · 04/10/12 01:19PM

The Washington Post reports that Rick Santorum has officially suspended his presidential campaign, which essentially concedes the GOP nomination to wealthy talking hairpiece Mitt Romney. Santorum lost to Romney in Wisconsin, Maryland, and D.C. over the past three weeks, and his campaign (as well as Romney's approach to his most formidable opponent) has shifted in recent weeks in the wake of his three-year-old daughter's illness.

Legitimate News Source Ditches Credibility for April Fool's Fun

Louis Peitzman · 04/01/12 11:07AM

For a brief moment, Google News' top story was "Romney Drops Out of Race, Endorses Santorum." This is decidedly untrue — but hey, it was published by Forbes, so it must be worth something, right? Nowhere did it say this was a prank: although it should be obvious to most, we live in a country where actual people believe Onion headlines. And it's not as though this is that much more ridiculous than the Republican primary has been thus far.

Rick Santorum: And I Am Telling You, I'm Not Going

Louis Peitzman · 04/01/12 08:56AM

Is Mitt Romney the Republican presidential nominee yet? Well, not quite. Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, Rick Santorum acknowledged that the Wisconsin primary will send a "strong signal" as to where the campaign is headed. Even so, a Santorum loss will not be enough for him to drop out — not when we're all having so much fun.

Secret Video: Newt Gingrich's Creepy Wife Grooming Him Like a Circus Walrus

John Cook · 03/28/12 10:45AM

As John Edwards learned the hard way, the camera is always on. It was certainly on in the bowels of Fox News' dark tower last November as failed presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's icy wife-bot Callista prepared him for an interview with Bill O'Reilly. She brushed him like a horse, sprayed him like Cher, and locked down his hair with dead-eyed precision. Then O'Reilly said he looked like Justin Bieber. Burn.

Let Rick Santorum Try to Scare the Shit Out of You

Louis Peitzman · 03/25/12 11:42AM

For those who haven't seen it, here's Rick Santorum's spooky "Obamaville" spot. Alas, this is just a political ad and not a trailer for a controversial horror film — but hey, maybe with enough funding we'll get the feature-length version. Be sure to look out for the split-second shot of Ahmadinejad's face becoming Obama's. If you dare.