
Kate Moss + Cocaine = Lindsay Lohan

Jessica · 09/16/05 09:15AM

A correspondent notes that a Google image search for "kate moss cocaine" returns one lone result: a photograph of Lindsay Lohan.

Kate Moss Still Used Cocaine Yesterday

Jessica · 09/16/05 08:30AM

You really have to hand it to the Daily Mirror: After yesterday's front-page story starring supermodel Kate Moss — who bravely inhaled multiple lines of Bolivian marching powder — they've managed to stretch the story out to a second day, announcing that they have video footage of the event ('cause, you know, it's fun to hit the rewind button and watch Moss shoot cocaine out of her nose).

Bad News for Killington, Too?

Jesse · 09/16/05 07:53AM

Yesterday's statement from the U.S. Attorney's Office said that Timothy McDarrah, the Us Weekly editor arrested for soliciting a minor for sex, was snared by the FBI in a Craigslist sting has at least one emailer concerned:

Remainders: It's Kate Moss' World, We're Just Cutting Lines in It

Jessica · 09/15/05 05:45PM

• In the wake of her awesome drug-abusing debut, supermodel Kate Moss enjoys a calamitous scene outside the Mercer Hotel, complete with stalkerazzi and the FDNY. [Verbose Coma]
• After 5 months of marriage, actress Renée Zellwegger and country singer Kenny Chesney have their marriage annulled. The perfect Hollywood romance! [People]
• Britney's abortion doctors speak: "How we failed..." [Low Culture]
• Courtesy of the blogosphere's irrepressable Andrew Krucoff, a handy guide to understanding teen-fixated writer David Amsden and Amsden-fixated TMFTML blogger Alex Balk. [YM]
• As Tara Reid's Taradise travel show enters its final hours, the Tara Reid Self-Loathing Index resists the influence of Reid's parental units. [Gridskipper]
• A few days ago, we wondered how rapper Lil' Kim would spend her last days as a free woman before heading off on Monday to serve a year in prison for perjury. As it turns out, our guesses were way off: She's filming a reality tv show. Predictable. [Reality Blurred]

Kate Moss and Her Cocaine: A Story Told in Pictures

Jessica · 09/15/05 04:00PM

We've spent the better part of our day celebrating model Kate Moss, who has boldly come forward as part of a new drug-awareness campaign targeting circles of the chic and fabulous. The UK's Daily Mirror is dripping in grainy snapshots of the supermodel cutting and snorting lines of cocaine; after the jump, we're proud to present you with the entire photographic collection. It's the prettiest lesson in rail-blowing you'll see all day.

Kate Moss in Cocaine Non-Shocker

Jessica · 09/15/05 09:50AM

It's not today's story about supermodel Kate Moss, who the UK's Daily Mirror has photographed hoovering coke, that has us all worked up. She's a fucking model, for chrissakes, and joined at the butt to rocker Pete Doherty, who's addicted to substances we don't even know exist yet. OF COURSE SHE DOES COCAINE. Welcome to Fashion Week 1978!

Kate Moss Loses Mind, Marries Pete Doherty?

Jessica · 09/12/05 12:15PM

From the Department of Shit We Wish We Didn't Care About But Can't Help Ourselves: Pete Doherty, formerly the lead singer for Brit-rocket outfit The Libertines, now of Babyshambles and a rehab facility near you, is claiming to have secretly wed supermodel Kate Moss. The two have had a very public on-again, off-again relationship, which was never short on drama thanks to Doherty's romantic heroin and crack problems. (Although we have to admire the perseverance of an addict who goes to fucking Thailand for rehab.) Exactly the sort of father Moss has been looking for her daughter Lila, no doubt.

The Bank's Gonna Seize Courtney Love's Soho Farm

Jessica · 08/31/05 01:25PM

Loyal substance-abuser Courtney Love's roost at 30 Crosby Street may be listed with Corcoran (of course!), but the 4,200-square-foot loft is facing foreclosure from The Man. Apparently our beloved lady in belligerence, who was clearly too busy making her own moonshine, has failed to make two $30,000 mortgage payments for July and August, and the Mercury Capital Group has filed suit. Love has borrowed a wee $3 million from the mortgage company, which would explain why she'd expect anyone to pay $5.5 million for a property that likely has syringes embedded in the floorboards.

August Sucks, and Heroin Ain't Gonna Fix It

Jessica · 08/26/05 07:40AM

We often lament the existence of August, a month that seems devoid of anything besides humidity, stench, and boredom. Recent weeks, however, have had at least a modicum of action:

You, Too, Can Be a Federal Agent at Large

Jesse · 08/25/05 11:27AM

Peripatetic mystery man Bucky Turco directs our attention today to the recruitment site for the DEA's New York office. (We have to assume this was a know-thy-enemies initiative on Turco's part.) We'll ignore for the moment the Freudian implications of the introductory animation, which flashes the word "diversity" while a white woman shoots at a target, and move to the first list of questions, designed to determine whether you meet the minimum requirements to be a DEA special agent.

Speedballs Deadly; Heroin Still Okay

Jessica · 08/25/05 09:46AM

A medical examiner's report has ruled that college students Mellie Carbalo and Maria Pesantez overdosed on speedballs — that tasty, evergreen mix of heroin and cocaine — and not on a poisoned batch of heroin. While we're relieved to hear that our smack supply isn't any more vicious than usual, a little part of us is secretly disappointed. If the girls died from a Belushi-approved drug cocktail, that's probably the end of any talk about a particularly deadly batch of heroin (unless another couple of young, attractive women die). And if there's no deadly heroin epidemic to which we can latch on, it seriously threatens our theory that NYC IS EDGY.

Remainders: But It Blends So Well With the Sky

Jessica · 08/24/05 05:20PM

• We knew LES stand-by Tonic was sacrificed in the name of condominium development. What we didn't know, however, was that the complex was going to be big, blue, and from planet fugly. [Curbed]
• Beware the Fire Island Shake & Bake. And no, it doesn't involve getting stoned in the Meat Rack. [Datalounge]
• You, too, can create a media tizzy about a non-existent meth problem — now in your hometown! [Meth Mouth]
• So when, exactly, will all these money men vacate Midtown? [NYT]
• The CorcoDevil eyes reality television. And Mark Burnett wept. [NYO]

Gossip Roundup: Paparazzi, Car Crash, Yadda Yawn

Jessica · 08/24/05 10:30AM

• Under the stress of stalkerazzis trailing her fancy starletmobile, Scarlett Johansson gets into a car accident in a parking lot at Disneyland. Is Bonnie Fuller trying to get out of her job at Star by killing off all the celebs? [R&M]
• Kate Moss slaps down $3 million for a condo in LA, presumably to get away from her smack-loving, quasi-boyfriend Pete Doherty. Did we mention he's a crackhead? He shouldn't be so hard to evade, you know. If Moss really wanted to lose him, she could just hide in a clean house or something. [Page Six]
• For a mere $5000, you too can be locked on a cruise ship with losers from the Apprentice. Makes the Bill O'Reilly Loveboat sound like a dream in comparison. [Lowdown]
• Bruce Willis is spotted having dinner with Lindsay Lohan, but we're sure it was totally innocent. Surely they were just discussing Lindsay's college plans. [Page Six]
• Wouldn't it be great if Johnny Depp could swap his Girl Hands with the Seinfeldian Man Hands? [Scoop (2nd item)]

NYC Increasingly Hardcore

Jessica · 08/23/05 08:24AM

So maybe you didn't believe us last week when we proclaimed that NYC IS EDGY again — granted, the slew of drug overdoses and recent murder were all confined to downtown neighborhoods, mostly in or around the Lower East Side. You're above 14th Street, perhaps chilling in Murray Hill, maybe domesticating yourself around the Upper East or West Sides. You're busy hitting the gym, eating at Zen Palate or something, and the new, gritty NYC isn't your problem. Just mind your own business, go check out a lecture at the 92nd Street Y, maybe finish your evening with a stop at Tasti D Lite. Keep on living the good life.