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Loyal substance-abuser Courtney Love's roost at 30 Crosby Street may be listed with Corcoran (of course!), but the 4,200-square-foot loft is facing foreclosure from The Man. Apparently our beloved lady in belligerence, who was clearly too busy making her own moonshine, has failed to make two $30,000 mortgage payments for July and August, and the Mercury Capital Group has filed suit. Love has borrowed a wee $3 million from the mortgage company, which would explain why she'd expect anyone to pay $5.5 million for a property that likely has syringes embedded in the floorboards.

Once Love gets released from her court-ordered 28 days in rehab, we're sure she's going to need plenty of support while dealing with these legal and financial woes. Always ready to lend a hand, we've already stocked up on painkillers for her consumption and scotch bottles for her throwing needs.

Courtney's Love Shack in Hock? [NYDN]