
America's Only Growth Industry

cityfile · 09/10/09 12:15PM

Are you out of work? Maybe you should consider dealing a little pot to get by. Thousands of Americans are now doing it to make ends meet, according to the AP, which reports that "demand for domestically grown marijuana is at a record high, in part because stricter border control has made it more difficult to import pot from Mexico." The economy isn't putting a damper on sales; on the contrary, "demand appears to be rising with the unemployment rate." Which makes perfect sense. What else are you going to do when you're unemployed and sitting on your couch watching TV all day? [AP via Daily Finance]

The Triumphant Return of Lindsay's Nether Region

Andrew Belonsky · 09/08/09 05:00AM

Lindsay Lohan's vagina makes a surprisingly discreet reappearance, Michael Jackson's good for real estate, Perez Hilton lied to Tyra and Lady Gaga talks blow.

Time to Work Yourself to Death

Hamilton Nolan · 09/03/09 03:20PM

The Way We Live Now: On the job. Who can afford to retire? Who can afford to take a vacation? Who can afford to stop thinking about making money for one single instant? Nobody we know.

DJ AM Report Reveals Sad Fact

Andrew Belonsky · 09/02/09 05:00AM

DJ AM took OxyContin the night he died. Spencer Pratt takes his absurdity to new levels. And Kate Hudson wants to take over A-Rod's apartment. All that and more in your Wednesday Gossip Roundup!

Pot Will Not Give You Gas

Andrew Belonsky · 09/01/09 10:28PM

If you think gas is expensive, try buying pot. It can totally eat a hole in your wallet, which explains why a Maryland man tried to trade leafy greens for gasoline. He should have tried using his coke stash. [AP]

New Coke Deadlier Than Ever

Andrew Belonsky · 08/31/09 11:31PM

Sigh. It used to be that coke dealers would mix their product with normal, safe things, like baking powder. Well, those days are over, because they've found an innovative new ingredient: levamisole. And it will kill you.

Killer British Weed Makes Kids Go Loco, Moms Write Books

Hamilton Nolan · 08/31/09 11:12AM

The uproar, that is! And the book. But not the weed, as far as I know, because this Crrrrrrazymaking skunk only exists in Cheech & Chong movies and the imaginations of lightweights. (And in England).

DJ AM: The Aftermath, Tributes, and Legacy

Foster Kamer · 08/30/09 07:16PM

DJ AM - né Adam Goldstein - was the Kevin Bacon of LA's music-celebrity scene, except he was connected to everyone by two degrees. His death gets more tragic as it unfolds. The outpouring for him out there's large.

UK's Coke Way Harsh

Andrew Belonsky · 08/26/09 10:47PM

Yeah, yeah, we all know cocaine's a hell of a drug. But did you know that coke-related deaths in Britain are up more than 50%. Heroin-related deaths are up about 25%. That's fucking scary. Don't do it! [The Sun]

Marathon Runners Are Just Junkies with More Discipline

cityfile · 08/26/09 08:22AM

If you drink, smoke, or do drugs and you have fitness-obsessed friends who occasionally give you a hard time for your vices, you may want to print out this story from National Geographic, just so you have it handy the next time you run into them while you're on your way to a bar and they're headed to the gym. According to new research in the August issue of Behavioral Neuroscience, "Hardcore runners who can't bear to skip a workout may be hooked in a way that's similar to heroin addiction." And it can be fatal, too! [National Geographic]