Man! The economy totally sucks. There are no jobs. There's no money. There's no hope. But, wait! There's always weed!

As the nation's economy breaks down and millions of sad sacks are turned out of their offices, there does seem to be at least one growth industry: marijuana. Anti-drug crusaders have seen an uptick in their lush, green victims, which leads many to conclude that, despite the economy, Americans still find the time — and the money — to get high. But that's nothing new.

The demand for domestically grown marijuana is at a record high....

The ailing economy isn't stopping users from spending money on pot. In fact.... the demand appears to be rising with the unemployment rate.

"I've never seen any decline in demand for marijuana in bad economic times," [said anti-drug avenger Ed Shemelya]. "If anything, it's the opposite. People always seem to find money somewhere to buy drugs."

Why this is news is beyond us. Obviously people are going to find money for weed. It's a fucking recession. How else are people supposed to alleviate the pain of collective malaise? Get a job? As if! Then they would have to smoke even more weed to dull the pain that comes from a life lived amidst compromised dreams! And this, folks, is America! God bless it.

Image via 1ncognito's flickr.