Mexican cartels still dominate the pot market, but "mom-and-pop" growers here in the states are harvesting almost half of the recession-resilient buds being smoked domestically, so the war on drugs is really a war on our economy! Trippy. [WaPo]
Sometimes, while strolling around this crazy world, I see children with cellphones, iPods and other 21st century toys. And it upsets me. What happened to kids living in a protective, imagination-powered bubble? Those days are long gone.
This is sad: producer Kevin McGee (right), best known for his civil partnership to Little Britain creator Matt Lucas, hanged himself yesterday. He and Lucas were hitched in late 2006, but divorced last December over McGee's drug use. [The Sun]
We always thought that just nerds were felled by the 21st century's most over-hyped ailment: internet addiction. We were wrong. Some smarty pants scientists have crunched the numbers and figured out exactly who falls prey to the World Wide Web.
Who doesn't love it when Andrew Sullivan gets all oversharey? One minute he's neck-deep in a theological discussion of morality and Darwinism, the next he's remembering a blissful twelve-hour fuck session.
Some ignorant folk don't think "public speaker" Sarah Palin deserves her outlandishly steep paycheck. Eddie Furlong's hitting the coke pipe. And Penelope Cruz enjoys kissing both Charlize Theron and Scarlett Johansson. It's your Wednesday morning gossip roundup!
Is Kanye West considering rehab? Would Michael appreciate Janet's mournful gesture? Should we all just forget Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic ways? So many questions! Get some answers in your Tuesday morning gossip roundup....
Ever had a good laugh over those "this is your brain on drugs" commercials? Well, stop. It's no laughing matter, buddy, because now scientists can prove that cocaine changes your brain forever. But that's nothing compared to video games.
Tyra lets it hang out. Paparazzi want to hang Tom and Gisele out for an alleged shooting. And Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze, Jr are hanging out with a new baby. Welcome to your Wednesday morning gossip roundup!
Will Jessica Simpson survive her dog's death? Did Anna Wintour survive sitting next to Pixie Geldof? Did Lindsay know her burglar? Did Anna Nicole's doctors know pills would kill her? Get some answers in your Tuesday morning gossip roundup!
Are you a struggling teacher looking to really reach your students and make money? Well, just give them some blow. That's what one woman did. Now she's going to jail. Shame!
Hippies in Santa Fe, New Mexico just want to build their "church" and drink ayahuasca out back, in the shed, and trip balls. Neighbors are not so happy about it. It's a classic religious freedom case. With magical elves.
The American drug dream is dead. In the wake of Michael Jackson and Anna Nicole's respective deaths, California's Attorney General has signed off on a database that will track prescription drugs in the Golden State. What a downer. [Mercury-News]
This may be the wildest rumor since Rod Stewart got his stomach pumped, but there's serious buzz in NYC nightlife circles that Strokes guitarist Albert Hammond Jr. has halted recording on their new album to check into an L.A rehab.
Stephanie Pratt's wallet could use a little help. Elton John's too old for kids. And Colin Farrell knocked up his girl. That and much, much more in your Tuesday morning gossip roundup!